Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1949: Yun Jian stylized, as missing

Hunting school, inside the base.

Everyone who had previously participated in the wild survival activities with Yun Jian has been taken back to the hunting school base.

Although some of the people who came back from the wild survival activities were seriously injured, they returned here alive on the whole without any casualties.

apart from......

Yun Jian and Si Yi did not return.

At this moment, in front of the hunting school base, various special forces from around the world gathered here, and several of them were attacked by beasts in the wild survival activities, and suffered serious injuries.

But Rao is so. These people just bandaged the wounds and returned to the team.

Everyone dare not violate the rule of the hunting school that "the trainees interrupted their training for 48 hours, for whatever reason, they are deemed to give up automatically".

At this moment, Miguel stood in the crowd and did not find the figure of Yun Jian. He frowned, and asked, "How about 16? Why didn't she come back?"

"Report to the Chief Instructor, our people have searched the forest and found no trace of 16 and the man. The beasts in the forest are running rampant. They must be ..."

The clerk standing next to Jameer spoke to him.

The registrar paused for two seconds while speaking.

"Impossible! How is 16 possible ..."

How could it have been eaten by a beast? She's such a great person! And she is the daughter of instructor Ge Junjian Ge ...

Before the registrant had finished speaking, Chen Yang, who came to the hunting school with Yun Jian, made a sound. At the end, the sound became weaker and softer until it disappeared.

It is true that no one was found in the forest, but 16 is so powerful, how could it be killed in the forest! ?

"We didn't believe it at first, but we found human bones in the forest ..." The registrar was silent for a while before he said this reluctantly.

"No, that's impossible! That's definitely not her!" Chen Yang and Ding Jianlin are from Country Z together with Yun Jian. Yun Jian is young. They think that they should take care of them in some aspects.

Chen Yang and Ding Jianlin are very good soldiers. Yunjian is strong. They have always been proud of Yunjian.

But now the registrar actually said that Yunjian has ...

"No injuries will be registered for the time being. If they haven't returned a year later, they can only be dealt with as accidental deaths." Jamie locked her brows and interrupted Chen Yang and Ding Jianlin.

Standing on the side, Wei Wei did not speak from start to finish, he just frowned slightly, thoughtfully.

This looks more like he already knows where Yun Jian and Si Yi are, but he is worried that they will encounter a threat from a mysterious person.

Jamie announced that he was gone.

Although Yun Jian is missing and the hunting school has lost his talent, it is a pity, but for people like Jemir who are used to seeing life and death, he does not feel unacceptable.

As soon as Demir left, Mai Dan, who had been hostile to Yun Jian, laughed at Chen Yang and Ding Jianlin:

"I'll just say, you Z nations are weak chickens! Really thought that 16 could lead you to a new height? Alas! Dream it! You guys, wash and roll back as soon as possible! Otherwise, the two of you who die next will be you two. ! "

McDonald said, laughing away.

It's so popular! 16 That guy is dead! Hahaha!

It took a few days before Jemir and others discovered that Yun Jian was missing.

On the evening of December 31, 1999, I did not know that Yun Jian and Qin Yirou, who had disappeared from the hunting school, made a whole table of meals.

Moving out the biggest round table of his own, the dishes are not enough.

Qin Yirou recently practiced a good cooking skill, but Yun Yi was all fat.

Of course, Yun Yi's thin and tall figure, eating a little fat, makes his body look more manly.

At this moment, pregnant Lan Lan, Yun Yi and Qin Yirou have confessed that the blue glaze that she is interacting with, and solitary care is sitting at the round table.

Xiao Yunzhu and Duan Li Duan Ya also sat around the round table, holding tableware and waiting for a meal.

By the time Luobi and Shiluo came over, the dishes were basically complete. Adam, Snow Eagle, and Morson all had a lot.

In addition to Yun Jian and Si Yi, there is also Wei Wei. This evening, the meal that spanned the century from 1999 to 2000, can be regarded as very happy.

"Lengmei's guy will come over later. Read, we have to rub Mahjong with Lengmei's guy for three days and three nights!" Celadon touched his hands, the grandfather said with excitement.

When she thought of playing Mahjong, she was excited. She had to win the cold charm this time!

"What kind of Mahjong to rub, you are not allowed to rub tonight." Yun Yi knocked lightly on the top of Celadon's head, Jun Arc rising.

He will take her out to watch fireworks this evening.

"No matter, I'll rub it ~" Celadon muttered immediately, expressing dissatisfaction.

When Yun Yi saw this, he suddenly got to his ear and said something that only two people could hear.

After Celadon heard it, her ears turned red instantly, and she quickly changed her mouth: "So, then I won't rub it."

He actually said such shy words to her--

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