Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1954: King of God, return of glory

Bai Liyan, who was tossed around for a while, thought that the Lord God would really listen to what she said, only once.

But how can Bai Liyan think of it, she hasn't touched her main **** for thousands of years, once, how is that enough?

In the end, Bai Liyan's voice was dumb, and the main **** let her go.

Just after the incident, Bai Liyan wanted to push away the main god: "Enough, you can go out! This is my room!"

"Isn't it just comfortable? Why do you want to wipe your **** and not accept it? No way!" Said the Lord God, and he clasped Bai Liyan, the young handsome face who was no longer an old man was very embarrassed.

"You go!" Bai Liyan pushed the main **** several times.

The Lord God hugged Bai Liyan, and didn't give up.

Bai Liyan felt like she was being counted. She wanted to cry without tears.

Unfortunately, from the moment when Bai Liyan promised the Lord God, the Lord God had already set up a small machine, humming, went to his bed, and still let her go?

Yun Jian and Si Yi spent 666 days in Shenquan.

Yun Jian and Si Yi have been away from the earth for almost two years. According to the calendar of the country Z of the earth, two New Years have passed.

It is now 2001.

There was a big difference between 1999 and 2001.

To say that at the end of the 1990s, if there was a car driving on Z Street at that time, it could cause a sensation.

At this time in 2001, although cars had not yet started to become widespread, it was not uncommon to have a car on the street from time to time.

After the economy of country Z leapt from the 1990s to 2000, it began to develop rapidly at the speed of taking rockets. By 2001, it had reached the point where foreigners could eat a lot.

September 15, 2001.

At that time, a five-star international hotel in Venezuela.

This five-star international hotel in Venezuela is located not far from the hunting school. Usually, the five-star international hotel is usually the wealthiest and most powerful people in Venezuela.

Today, the Hunting School invited six of the best students from all over the world who had successfully graduated from the school to have a dinner here.

The wealthy people from all over Venezuela have rushed to this place after hearing the wind, and they want to see what these six big men from all over the world have the ability to graduate from hunting schools.

At this moment, the six people who were invited back from the hunting school and successfully graduated from the hunting school were standing in this five-star international hotel and receiving the baptism of worship and admiration from the surrounding people.

Those who successfully graduated from the hunting school at the beginning, in addition to Chen Yang and Ding Jianlin, Mai Dan, who had always been opposed to Yun Jian, also graduated successfully.

What does it mean to graduate from a hunting school?

Want to know the mortality rate of hunting school, but it is as high as 80%!

Graduating from a hunting school means that this person is an elite among the international elite! Talent among talents!

McDonald's is just right.

Inversely proportional to the humility of Chen Yang and Ding Jianlin, Mai Dan's arrogance was arrogant, and it looked like he was the most powerful person in the world.

Seeing Chen Yang and Ding Jianlin, Mai Dan remembered the extremely arrogant Z-country Yunjian.

Feeling the worship of the people around him, Mai Dan looked at Chen Yang and Ding Jianlin with a look of cold and arrogance. He couldn't help but taunt:

"Oh, look, these are the two heroes of Country Z? Where's the other one?"

The other one refers to Yunjian naturally.

But everyone knows that Yun Jian is missing in the forest of the hunting school.

It's been two years now, and Yun Jian's death has basically become a foregone conclusion.

"Mai Dan, what do you mean!" Chen Yang listened to Mai Dan and clenched his fists.

"Well, man, what do you mean you still can't hear? I heard that 16's family is still looking for someone in that forest in Venezuela? This person has been missing for almost two years! Even if it was really alive, it should be dead now!

"It is ridiculous that you thought that she could take you to a new height, haha, extremely stupid!

"That pride and self-righteous girl, she **** it! She died in the forest of Venezuela, and it was cheap for her!"

What Macdan said was getting more and more exaggerated. In the end, he even laughed, as if mocking Yun Jian's death.

Chen Yang and Ding Jianlin's fists clenched in an instant.

However, the moment Chen Yangqi just wanted to take a shot against McDonald's.

A long-lost female voice sounded like a voice of nature, spreading throughout the audience: "It's a pity that you have been disappointed."

After the words were over, everyone turned their heads, but saw a beautiful young girl standing at the gate and walking in, walking towards Mai Dan and others.

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