Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1962: The president gave me and I joined

It turns out that wanting to go to college is very simple for Yunjian.

I would like to ask why, now that Xinqi has gone international, and in the past two years when Yunjian was away, Zhang Zhifan expanded Xinqi and then expanded it, and now it has become a top 50 large-scale enterprise company in the world.

This is very different from the status of Xinkai Company in Z and even the world two years ago.

Now in Country Z, who doesn't know Xinqi Company?

Facts have proved that Yunjian chose Zhang Zhifan as the president of Xinqi Company, which was a very wise choice.

Today, Xinqi has become a worldwide car marketing company in the Z country.

Yun Jian wants to enter Jiangcheng University of Electronic Science and Technology, just to call Zhang Zhifan.

At this moment, Yun Jian, who had successfully enrolled, was dragging his simple suitcase to Jiangcheng City, Zhejiang Province.

Jiangcheng City is not close to Longmen City, but fortunately, they are all in Zhejiang Province, no matter how far they are.

It is a four-hour drive from Longmen City to Jiangcheng.

Yun Jian's suitcase was very small. She dragged the suitcase to the door of Jiangcheng University of Electronic Science and Technology and asked the members of the student union who were welcoming freshmen at the door before finding her bedroom.

The dormitory here, four people in one dormitory, is the normal standard.

As soon as Yun Jian opened the door of the bedroom, they heard that there were two girls in the bedroom dressed up with strong makeup and bright makeup, and the girls who were very exposed were talking to each other.

"Kay said that tonight I took everyone to the computer classroom to see the notebook his father brought him from abroad, and a series of installers. It looks advanced! It can be compared with a hacker!"

"real or fake?"

"I can still lie to you. I heard that there are many girls who want to follow the excitement, because Kaige also brought a hacker friend back from abroad, which is great! If we can learn computers, we can have his friend. It's invincible! "

"A lot of girls also go together? Then we have to be more beautiful and pass by."

What these two girls said was passed on to Yun Jian's ear.

When Yun Jian came in from outside the bedroom, the two girls just turned around and glanced at Yun Jian, and then turned to continue talking.

The two girls ignored Yun Jian, and even avoided introducing each other.

At first glance, these two girls are very confused and social.

Such girls usually feel that they are high above them, too lazy to talk to others.

"Hello, are you a new roommate?" The other girl, who wasn't a good match with the two girls, looked at Yunjian and asked.

This woman was not beautiful, she was short, she was not even one meter five or five, she was round and very fat.

But girls are very friendly to Yun Jian.

It is very mixed with the other two at a glance. The girls with a social look are completely different.

"Um." Yun Jian answered.

"Hello, my name is Zhu Huili. I am 19 years old. I am from L province. We are in the same class. Make friends?" Zhu Huili asked Yun Jian carefully after introducing herself.

"Yeah." Yun Jian nodded and paused before she continued to speak. "I'm Yun Jian."

Zhu Huili didn't look very good, she was not tall, but she was very good at Yun Jian, and she also helped Yun Jian arrange the bed.

With her help, Yun Jian quickly sorted out her bed, and it was time for dinner.

"Let's go to the cafeteria for dinner together?" Zhu Huili asked Yun Jian.

Yunjian nodded.

Jiangcheng University of Electronic Science and Technology is very large, strangers will get lost when they first come here.

Yun Jian is also the first time to come, so naturally he does not know the way.

Fortunately, there was Zhu Huili.

Yun Jian and Zhu Huili had just arrived at the gate of the restaurant nearest to the dormitory. Before entering the restaurant, they were stopped by a group of students recruiting new students into the society.

"Hey, younger sister, do you want to join the martial arts community? There is a special big brother who will teach you to learn martial arts. Would you like to come!" A stingy boy stopped Yun Jian.

Zhu Huili didn't look very good, her body was still rolling, these boys naturally looked down on her.

Generally, universities have associations, and you can choose your favorite association to join.

And these university associations say it is a good place for everyone to study together.

To put it bluntly, it is an intermediary place where everyone recognizes relationships and makes friends with men and women.

"Martial arts community?" Yun Jian asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah yeah!" The boy was interested in Yun Jian. He looked at Yun Jian's beautiful face and perfect figure, and introduced it more vigorously:

"Join our martial arts club. At our Jiangcheng University, our martial arts club will cover you! Little sister, don't hesitate, join our martial arts club!"

"You can join me if you want." Yun Jian pursed his lips and said.

As soon as the boy heard it, he was more energetic, but at the moment when the boy wanted to speak again, Yun Jian's faint voice sounded.

This sound, in the presence of the group desperately inviting Yunjian to join the martial arts community, thinking of the opportunity to eat the Yunjian Tofu boys, and other community members around, just sounded:

"Let the president of your martial arts club give me the position of president and I will join."

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