Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1964: For its humanity and for its person

Yun Jian's voice didn't fluctuate slightly. It was flat, as if it wasn't a person, but an ant, who stepped on her feet.

When Yun Jian stepped on the ground suddenly, Cai Huiling desperately struggled to no avail. She started yelling at Yun Jian like a crazy woman:

"What do you count! Go! Go! Otherwise I will make you regret living in this world !!!"

In the presence of so many students, especially in the presence of so many boys, Yun Jian stepped on the ground, Cai Huiling was about to break.

Girls like Cai Huiling are very arrogant in front of girls, but in front of boys, they particularly like to pose and maintain their looks.

Today, Yun Jian stepped under her feet in front of so many people. Cai Huiling felt that her dignity had been severely suppressed. At this moment, she could not wait to kill Yun Jian with one stroke.

Everyone around was stunned by Yun Jian's actions.

Especially Zhou Juntao who stopped Yun Jian from the beginning to pull Yun Jian into his martial arts community.

This young girl has such a neat skill!

"You, you dare to hit Sister Huiling! Dare to apologize to Sister Huiling! Do you know who Sister Huiling is! She is ..."

Standing not far away was quite afraid of Yun Jian, but obviously it was Cai Huiling's young girl who yelled at Yun Jian.

However, before the screams ended, Yun Jian interrupted her, and the cold voice sounded throughout the audience:

"Not only her, but I apologize to all of you who laughed at her!"

She, of course, refers to Zhu Huili.

After Zhu Huili was pushed to the ground just now, the first reaction around them was not to help her, but to ridicule and sneer.

Is it ugly for this world to deserve this crime?

"You're crazy! You actually asked us to apologize to this fat woman !?" Some boys heard Yun Jian's words, unbelievably pointed at Zhu Huili, and made a sound.

"Yeah, why are we apologizing! She just stood in front of us and was so ugly to us! It made us unable to eat today's dinner. It should be the fat lady who apologizes!"


Two good boys who played with Cai Huiling in the martial arts community should reconcile.

Although Yun Jian looks beautiful, these boys are familiar with Cai Huiling. When they saw Yun Jian stepping on Cai Huiling's feet, they did not dare to come and pull people, but the words naturally helped Cai Huiling to speak.

However, just after the words of the two boys had fallen, stepping on Yun Yun's belly and squinting her eyes, she looked at her sharp eyes on everyone, sneering: "Want to know why you apologize? "

Staring at Yun Jian's beautiful face, the two boys nodded involuntarily.

"What are you talking about, please help me pull her away!" Cai Huiling yelled at this moment.

However, just after Cai Huiling's squeak fell, a butterfly knife fell out of Yunjian's hands even when he didn't know when it appeared. He actually crossed the edge of Cai Huiling's cheek with a slight deviation and plunged it into the ground.

At that time, the blade of the butterfly knife was approaching Cai Huiling's eyes.

Cai Huiling was terrified by this scene and screamed.

At the same time, Yun Jian loosened and stepped on Cai Huiling's feet, her figure flashed instantly, and at a speed clearly visible to everyone, she kicked the two boys who had just resisted to the ground.

Yun Jian didn't use a very amazing skill, but Rao was so, and everyone was shocked.

"I'm going, it's amazing!" Even Zhou Juntao, a member of the martial arts community, couldn't help but exclaim.

After everyone reacted, the two boys who had just refuted Yun Jian had flew out three meters away.


Although they didn't even know, this was the result of Yun Jian's mercy!

At the moment when everyone was horrified by Yun Jian's horrifying skill, they heard Yun Jian's cold and indifferent words sounded, and after the students around him listened, the apex in their hearts followed with a trembling:

"Just because you're here with me, it's a scum without a fight! So, apologize to me!"

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