Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1966: Seeing her, I was scared to the ground

In this era, there is generally no computer at home, let alone a laptop.

Zhu Huili just went to college and couldn't even operate the computer how to turn it on and off.

This is not surprising. Many freshmen majoring in computer science who have just enrolled in school are mostly new to computers.

When Yun Jian and Zhu Huili came to the study room, they saw a group of people surrounded by a computer desk in the study room.

Yun Jian's eyes moved slightly, and suddenly in the group, they saw two familiar figures.

Those two familiar figures were the two other roommates in Yunjian's bedroom.

The two men never said hello to Yun Jian.

The two girls are named Miao Yi and Xi Xiujuan.

At that time, Yun Jian saw Miao Yi and Xi Xiujuan surrounded the computer table with the crowd, yelling along with the girls around.

"Kay, this foreigner is amazing! This is the first time we've seen a hacker! People like us who haven't even learned how to switch on or off a computer! Just looking at the operation of this foreigner at first glance is simply too letting People are surprised! "

Miao Wei over there is using a flattering tone to punch a poor-looking man, but he is dressed in gold, silver, and a wealthy boy flattering all over his body.

But I saw a group of people in the middle, a foreigner who could say two sentences with poor pronunciation was operating the computer flexibly.

This is the foreigner who hacks in their mouth.

Yun Jian squinted.

"Of course, this is my dad's friend! The hacking technology is first-rate! Now I work in the technical department of Rongyao, one of the top ten multinational corporations in the world, and I am now following him to learn hacking technology. This level of computer operation is a lifetime Out of reach! "

The guy called Kaige said very arrogantly.

Immediately, the girls should reconcile with Kai's words.

"Wow, that's great!"

"It is worthy of Kaige, it is amazing!"

The foreigner who is operating the computer is also quite proud.

Yun Jian feels more familiar to this person.

When Yun Jian saw the foreigner's side face, his face sank, and he suddenly said:

"Matthew, why are you old guy here?"

Yun Jian's words sounded abruptly, but in the ears of everyone present, there was a moment of nagging.

Who is Matthew?

It can be seen that everyone present did not know the name of the foreigner.

"Who are you? What are you blind? Haven't seen the hacker master here showing us hacking skills!" A girl heard Yun Jian's words and gave Yun Jian a hard look.

"Who? Who's calling my name?" But the foreigner over there said in a non-standard Chinese pronunciation, he didn't look back, staring at the computer.

"Open your dog's eyes to see who I am, why is this old thing here!" But seeing Yun Jian over there again in front of everyone.

"I said where did you come from? Did you smash the field? Let me roll again if you bark ..." The girl just heard Yun Jian's words and said again with an unhappy expression.

But then the foreigner had turned his head.

The moment the foreigner saw Yunjian, he was suddenly scared to slip from his seat, and the wolverine fell to the ground.

Then, the foreigner looked at Yun Jian tremblingly in front of the crowd, and lost a half-life in a scared voice to Yun Jian:

"Oh my mother, why are you here, auntie?"

His mother! Did he follow up to country Z to show off his hacking skills? Is he easy!

Would it be so scary, who did he see?

He actually saw the chairman of his company!

The computer hacker technology in this world is the best. It used one person to break through the armed system of a large country in just a few minutes. In the end, the large country sent her a text message requesting to revoke the attack on their system. The unprecedented and strongest hacker King, SS!

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