Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1970: Encountered by the road, members of the community

High school is a military school? Special Forces Origin! ?

Yun Jian's words were passed on to the ears of Zhu Huili, Miao Yi, and Xi Xiujuan, leaving them dumbfounded for a moment.

Yun Jian's words were plain and flat, without any ups and downs, but what they meant was to shock the three present!

Especially Miao Wei and Xi Xiujuan.

At this moment, Miao Yi and Xi Xiujuan were knocked to the ground by Yun Jian, and they couldn't stand for a while after the pain. The two didn't know that Yun Jian didn't use all their strength.

However, Yunjian really wanted to take a shot. It is estimated that Miao Yu and Xi Xiujuan had already been sent to the hospital for rescue.

At the moment of being stung, the two of them just wanted to stand up and deal with Yun Jian madly, but suddenly they heard Yun Jian's words, and they fell to the ground and stunned.

"You went to military school when you were in high school? Didn't most of you study at military schools? Are you a girl who can go to military school?"

Miao Yi forgot the pain of being kicked by Yun Jian. After listening to Yun Jian's words, she froze.

Miao Wei and Xi Xiujuan are typical snobs.

The two of them also surrounded Yun Jian with a fan of social women. There was a kind of ‘not convinced?揍 Until you are convinced ’.

At this moment, when Yun Jian was actually a military academy, the two of them stood up in an instant. They never saw Yun Jian when he first saw Yun Jian.

When Miao Yi asked Yunjian again, her voice softened, and her attitude changed greatly from before.

This time, Yun Jian turned directly over his bunk bed, his actions were clean and neat, and he ignored Miao Yi and Xi Xiujuan.

Yun Jian lying on the bed closed his eyes and ignored him.

Seeing this, although Miao Wei and Xi Xiujuan were upset, when they heard Yunjian seemed to be a little bit, they did not dare to speak again, and each returned to their beds ...

When Yun Jian and Zhu Huili returned to the dormitory at about seven in the evening, they met at about eight o'clock in the swing bar. After lying in bed with their eyes closed for an hour, they rolled over from the upper bed.

The movements were extremely crisp and sharp. Seeing this, Miao Wei and Xi Xiujuan swallowed and said nothing.

"Yun Jian, it's no wonder you were so powerful before. It turned out that you had read a military academy!" Zhu Huili saw Yun Jian rested on the bed, and couldn't help but praise her.

Zhu Huili said that Yun Jian was so powerful before, naturally referring to the recruitment of new students at the cafeteria entrance society.

"Well, let's go." Yun Jian slid his hands into his trouser pockets and hurried to Zhu Huili.

Only in the study room, many girls were invited by Kai to go to the swing bar, and Miao Wei and Xi Xiujuan were also selected.

At this moment, Miao Yu and Xi Xiujuan are dressing up carefully, putting on foundation and makeup, and changing to more **** clothes. At first glance, there is a preparation to fight a protracted battle and attract the attention of boys.

What kind of clothes does Yun Jian wear during the day? It's the same now. At this moment, she recruited Zhu Huili's hand and went out.

In the evening of September, the weather was still a little stuffy. People walking outside could feel the hot feeling of summer.

Zhu Huili was not well-dressed, and she knew it was no different if she was not dressed.

Obesity determines her appearance.

In the evening at the university's roadside, I often encountered a couple of young lovers. When I saw these, Yun Jian was stunned.

This fully shows that college life is very lazy and comfortable.

But she will bid farewell to this freedom and return to the world of sword and blood.

Jiangcheng University is just a turning point.

When passing by a very bright street light, a surprise came from behind:

"It's you! It's you! Elementary school girl and more!"

After hearing this voice, Yun Jian narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Yu Guang at an oblique band, but only saw those members of the martial arts community that met at the entrance of the cafeteria in the afternoon, headed by Zhou Juntao, and was coming here.

Zhou Juntao was the boy who first threw football to Yunjian in the afternoon and wanted to recruit Yunjian into the martial arts community. He was also a junior junior.

It was true that I wanted to play Yunjian in the afternoon, but when I saw Yunjian's sharp skills, I wanted to invite Yunjian to join the martial arts community, and it became even stronger.

When he saw the familiar figure, he fixed his eyes on Yun Jian, and Zhou Juntao took the members of the martial arts community next to him to walk quickly towards this side.

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