Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1974: Could she be, hacker SS

Although Matthew is only forty years old, it is very amazing that he can sit in the position of the technical department director of Rongyao at the age of Matthew.

Release of Matthew's age and his current position can also scare a large number of international elites.

And the kind of temperament that Matthew leaked out of his bones was an old naughty boy.

Some people are still young, their hearts are old, and they behave in the same way as old urchins. This is Matthew.

Although it is impossible to deny Matthew's strength, Matthew's behavior and behavior are sometimes beyond his control.

For example, just now, Yunjian's hand operation, outsiders do not know what Yunjian is operating, only know that Yunjian's hand operation is particularly amazing.

However, Matthew knew that Yunjian was deploying the defense system of Rongyao's technical department, and that the defense system she deployed had zero vulnerabilities. The possibility that outsiders wanted to find a flaw to break this defense system was equal to zero!

This is simply a world miracle!

At least people of Matthew's standard were completely scared to see this.

And Matthew's nature like an old urchin forced him to see such a scene, and he would say everything he thought in his mind.

No, Matthew, a fool, yelled at Yun Jian directly in front of the big box.

Originally Yunjian operated the computer quickly and quickly enough to amaze everyone present, but no one in the audience knew what Yunjian was doing.

The various programs flashing on the screen of the laptop, in the eyes of Lan Yiyi, Zhou Juntao, Mo Bufan, and Kai Ge, are more like Yunjian pressing random buttons.

But this group of people is not professional, don't understand these, Matthew understands!

Matthew roared so much that everyone at the scene understood it!

After everyone around him heard Matthew's words, there was a momentary hesitation, staggering on the spot.

Even the few boys who were madly singing and singing to the climax of the atmosphere just froze and stared sideways.

The only karaoke accompaniment on the scene continued. At this moment, whether it was Lan Yiyi, Zhou Juntao, Mo Bufan or Kaige, they were all stunned.

Among them, Lan Yiyi's expression was the most prominent. After listening stupidly to Matthew, she could not return to God for a long time.

Matthew actually called Yunjian as BOSS?

Isn't that a title to the CEO of a company?

And Yunjian just deployed a defense system that can prevent other hackers?

And listen to what Matthew said ...

No one in the world can crack this defense system set by Yunjian?

And Matthew said that Yunjian is indeed the first person in the hacker circle?

"The first person in the hacker circle !?" Kai Ge was particularly interested in this matter. Before everyone spoke, Kai Ge looked at Matthew in amazement and asked the doubts of everyone around him. .

"The first person in the hacker circle, I remember that the most powerful hacker technology is not a hacker code-named SS?" Kai Ge's words just ended, and Mo Bufan, the brother of Kai Ge, added a sentence.

Nine out of ten people in the field are all computer educated, so they are naturally interested in the direction of hackers.

Computer courses taught in schools, of course, will not teach hackers how to get to black homes.

It's just that some smart people will apply all the knowledge to hacking techniques based on computer courses learned in school.

Even so, it cannot resist the interest of hackers.

After listening to Mo Bufan's words, everyone around them moved their eyes to Yunjian again.

Isn't the default first person in the hacker circle codenamed SS?

Just Matthew actually called Yunjian the first person in the hacker circle.

Is n’t she sitting in the corner, this beautiful girl, she is the first person in the hacker circle

SS! ?

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