Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1979: Three team leaders, come here to find her

Yun Jian has guessed the origin of the woman.

In fact, you don't need to guess to know that this woman must be the killer of the inverse emperor organization.

At present, no one dares to attack her people except the newly emerged insurgents.

This woman was also asked by Yun Jian. She didn't say a word, apparently she was brainwashed by the inverse emperor organization.

At this moment, the butterfly knife in Yunjian's hand has been cut into the woman's neck.

The butterfly knife slid into the skin, cutting through the woman's skin, exuding bright red blood.

The woman was suppressed by Yun Jian, without even a little resistance.

Fang Cai insisted that Yun Jian had deliberately asked someone to play. Lan Yiyi, who came to get everyone's attention, saw this scene, and screamed in shock: "Ah!"

Yunjian was holding a butterfly knife, and the blade was really going to be sent to the woman's neck!

Aren't she afraid of killing people!

Now I want to say that the fox and the woman were invited by Yun Jian to show off in front of everyone intentionally.

Who can pretend like this?

What's more, Mo Bufan felt clearly the strength of Yunjian!

The speed she just shot, let alone one him, even if it is ten, he may not be the opponent!

No wonder she was asked to join the martial arts club, and she would make a request to be the president of the club!

Mo Bufan's eyes flashed at this moment, and he had his own plan.

Since Yun Jian had already guessed the woman's origin, she didn't intend to leave her, but when Lan Yiyi and others screamed "Ah", Yun Jian's eyes darkened again.

The blade ends at the border that is about to cut the woman's neck, and she takes her hand in time. Yunjian turns the butterfly knife. She closes the blade and gathers the handles on both sides of the butterfly knife. Smashed the neck of the woman.

The woman was in Yun Jian's hand, and even had no chance of resistance, she passed out.

Yun Jian threw the woman directly to Matthew and said to Matthew, "It's dealt with."

Yun Jianben intends to wipe the woman's neck directly, and Lan Yiyi screams and stops Yun Jian's idea.

After all, she still has to stay in college. If she kills a woman in the presence of Mo Bufan and others, even if she has two hours of forgetting fluid, it is inconvenient to use two hours of forgetting fluid each time to erase people's memories.

At this moment, after Yun Jian threw the woman to Matthew, she turned her head to look at the fox.

Everyone around them was dumbfounded and didn't know what happened.

When Yun Jian looked sideways at the fox, everyone around him looked curiously.

The fox was chased all the way by the woman just now. The fox's strength was not as good as that of the woman, but it was not much worse. So he was chased all the way and suffered a lot of injuries at the moment.

Since Yun Jian had previously smelled the gunpowder smell of pistols, it turned out that when the fox and the woman first fought, they used guns.

But when the firearms run out of bullets, the two can't tell the difference, it is estimated that they have been grinding time.

It was no coincidence that the fox could be hunted down here, following Yunjian's trail.

"I'll take you to the hospital to deal with the wound." Seeing that the fox was not wounded by any guns, there were quite a few wounds on the body. Yun Jian gathered the butterfly knife, inserted her hands into her pants pocket, and walked to the fox.

"Huh!" At this moment the fox was covering a blood-stained wound on his arm, and followed Yunjian to the hospital.

Mo Bufan and others were leaving Yunjian to watch.

"Let's help too!" Although Mo Bufan didn't know what had just happened, he still caught up.

Kaige saw this and followed him.

Zhu Huili naturally did not leave.

Yun Jian pursed his lips, knowing that they thought it was just now, but it was only the woman who was crazy about it.

And Mo Bufan, who has caught up in this car, has turned on his mobile phone and wants to call the police.

However, just as Mo Bufan wanted to enter his mobile phone number, his mobile phone was taken away by Yunjian: "borrow it."

Then, Yunjian entered a string of numbers into the phone and dialed the phone.

Three beeps fell and the computer was switched on.

In front of a group of people around him who had not recovered from the shock, Yun Jian spoke to the person on the other end of the phone and ordered his voice to speak out:

"Immediately let the three leaders of the intelligence team, the assassination team, and the reconnaissance team of the Ancient Killing Mercenary Regiment come to Z Jiangjiang University of Electronic Technology in China."

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