Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1988: Built by Ge Jun, Fa Xiaoliang

From 3 pm to 6 pm, the sun on the west is already in the setting stage. The orange-yellow afterglow reflected on the slowly floating clouds, leaving a scene where the sunset does not fall.

After admiring Yu Xia, the talents returned home.

Today I just arrived from Longmen City to Wenzhou. I also played for about three hours in the afternoon and had a barbecue. Everyone was a bit tired.

While preparing to go back, Ge Junjian received a call.

"What? Laoliang, why did you come to Wenzhou? Haha, okay, okay, we are at the Oasis Hotel, you can go directly after you come here, I'll take care, then we will wait See you, haha! "

Ge Junjian was surprised and delighted at the person on the other side of the phone, and hung up after speaking.

Because he didn't open the speakerphone, he could only hear Ge Junjian's surprised and happy voice.

Until Ge Junjian hung up the phone, Qin Yirou looked at Ge Junjian and asked, "Who's on the phone?"

Ge Junjian and Qin Yirou are getting more and more old wives and wives, and even the tones of talking are old wives and wives.

After Ge Junjian hung up, he smiled and explained to Qin Yirou:

"It was from Laoliang. They also had a holiday on the Mid-Autumn Festival. I heard that we went out with our children to travel and followed us. They said that we would go to Zhoushan Island with us. After all, the opportunity is rare."

Ge Junjian explained it once. After listening, Qin Yirou answered and nodded.

Lao Liang was a young man from Ge Junjian. He had known him since he was a child. Although he had a different career, he kept in touch.

Lao Liang is the head of a high-tech company. He is now in a high position and has been particularly busy in recent years. He has not been able to find time on holidays, let alone meet with Ge Junjian.

This year's Mid-Autumn Festival Liang Liang was on holiday, which surprised and delighted Ge Junjian.

Obviously, Qin Yirou knew who Lao Liang was.

At that time, Yunjian and Siyi also helped pack up all the barbecue utensils, and brought the barbecue racks and other things back to the car. The group drove back to the Oasis Hotel.

Ge Xiaojian was excited at this moment because his hair Xiaolaoliang had taken the family to the Oasis Hotel.

How long has it been since I saw Lao Liang?

After having their own families, they haven't seen each other for years!

As soon as he returned to the Oasis Hotel, Yunjian saw a middle-aged man of the same age as Ge Junjian standing in front of the Oasis Hotel.

Standing next to this middle-aged man was a lady with a magnificent and luxurious appearance. The lady was holding a young lady-like girl who was about the same size as Yun Jian and stood in place.

Before Yun Jian and Ge Junjian walked by, the girl who was about the same size as Yun Jian looked disgustedly, waved her hand to drive off the summer heat near her ears, and said to the middle-aged man:

"Dad! Why do you want to travel to such a ghost place! I'm so hot! You just need to find a friend and come by yourself. Why do you want me and my mother to come! Huh, I don't care, I have let Yu Come with me! He will be here in a few minutes! "

"You! Hey, I said to you, you do n’t have to worry about growing up this way! I said that Jin Yu ’s kid is not suitable to be your boyfriend, not to be your future husband. Why do n’t you listen? ! "

The middle-aged man listened to his daughter's words, and he fisted in his heart.

"What are you doing! Do you still want to hit our girl? I think Jin Yu is upright, which is very good. The important thing is that my girl likes it! Our girl is Bai Fumei! No man is required!"

The lady saw her husband about to hit his own daughter, and hurriedly stood in front of her daughter to stare at the middle-aged man.

"Laoliang!" At this time, Ge Junjian had taken Yunjian to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man also helped his forehead with a look, and had a headache on the daughter who spoiled him and his wife who protected her daughter, but when he heard Ge Junjian's voice, the middle-aged man turned around.

"Lao Ge!" The middle-aged man no longer hesitated, he walked in front of everyone and embraced his buddy Ge Junjian who had not seen him for a long time.

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