Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1993: Why don't you, the female gambler

Why did you just look so happy that Win Yunjian was just a question of time, and now with a bitter face, you sent Yun Jian a **** for forgiveness?

"What, what's the situation? She, how she, how the casino people, the casino director will give her knees ..."

Tong Liwei ran back to watch the show with the image of Yun Jian trying to die by himself and begging for forgiveness from the casino people.

But what she saw was not the picture of Yun Jian begging for forgiveness from the people at the casino, but the picture of the person in charge of the casino asking Yun Jian to raise his hand!

What the **** just happened!

Tong Liwei almost didn't scare her heart, and even her speech tone stuttered.

Only now has been persuading Yun Jian to let her not provoke the casino's Jin Yu, seeing this scene at the moment, she was frightened beyond recognition, and fight with Tong Liwei.

Seeing this scene, Liang Xiumin, a young lady who has always been pampered, is relieved for Yun Jian.

Although Liang Xiumin was too lazy to talk about it with his dad at first, and later said that his tone was proud like a peacock with an open screen.

After all, Yun Jian is the daughter of his father and friend. If something really happens, Liang Xiumin also feels flustered.

As everyone's thoughts flickered, all of them were sitting in horror, sitting on a gambling table, and playing a dice on the table with a cloud of dice like a god's gift from the iron cow brothers casino.


Still betting? She still gambles?

"Auntie! Sister! This is just a small casino, you go to the other big casino to bet! Please, please! Some of us really want to drink the Northwest wind! Auntie! Please let us go!

"If you continue to gamble, we will really go bankrupt!"

Brother Tieniu stood kneeling and worshipped in front of Yunjian. The regulars around him, these gamblers have never seen the suggestion of Brother Tieniu, and they all stumbled on the spot.

Some gamblers even let go of the bet that they were betting on in amazement and looked over here.

How did Yun Jian and Tie Niu gambling just now? Only some of the gamblers present saw it.

Most people just played their own games just now.

And most of the gamblers who saw Yun Jian and Tie Niu Gambling there were pale at the moment.

"Okay, sister, I'm almost done, it's time to collect the money." Qinglan rubbed her hands, and the thief said with a smile.

Celadon is not a poor man, but money is not too small.

At the time when Gang Yunjian was betting with Tie Niu brother, he was just playing Tie Niu brother. If Yun Jian was in accordance with the normal level of Yun Jian, all the assets of the casino could be taken away in less than ten minutes.

"Um." Yun Jian heard Cingla and said that it was almost time. She wanted to go downstairs to buy medicine, so she planned to stop.

"No, hit the money you lost to my sister-in-law on this card."

Celadon pulled out a card from his pocket and threw it on the table, just like the previous life Yunjian gambled at Fengyun Casino for one night, and won away from Fengyun Casino for a month.

At the time when Yun Jian was gambling at Fengyun Casino, Celadon followed him to collect money, which was called refreshing!

Seeing that Celadon threw out this card, everyone in the room stunned again.

Although standing in the distance, Jin Yu, Tong Liwei and others were sternly stunned, but now they couldn't help thinking.

There is a backstage behind this casino! It's true that Yun Jian won the money, but can she take it from here?

She has no power or power, is it hard to work with others?

You know, Tie Niu brothers are all black!

Even if Yun Jian wins money, he wo n’t necessarily take it away.

However, when Jin Yu, Tong Liwei and others thought like this, a staff member inside the casino saw the bank card marked with a unique skull symbol thrown out by the blue glaze, and yelled at the card in shock:

"This ... this card ..."

This glazed bank card is marked with the unique mark of the ancient killing mercenary group, the shape of a skull.

This kind of bank card can not be obtained by outsiders, only the elders of the ancient killing mercenary regiment have it!

And each elder's bank card skull has its own short name next to it.

In this blue glaze, a simple 'blue' character is written next to the skull.

Seeing this card, the man who recognized it pointed at the card in front of everyone, exclaimed:

"Isn't this bank card the exclusive bank card of Elder Celadon of the Ancient Mercenary Regiment! This is the only one in the world! How could it be in your hands!

"And I have heard that in the world ’s largest casino, Fengyun Casino, the one-month profit of Fengyun Casino was won overnight. The billion-dollar woman who is known as the strongest female gambler is using this. The bank card swiped the money from Fengyun Casino! "

The man said, facing Zhang Yunjian with his mouth so big that he couldn't close it, in front of Tie Niu, Tong Liwei, Jin Yu, and everyone in the audience, he yelled at Yun Jian:

"Is it you, that is, the‘ Female Gambler ’who won the one-month profit of Fengyun Casino in the world ’s largest Fengyun Casino!

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