Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2009: White to black, dirty words

Then, Yun Jian's figure had disappeared in front of everyone.

She didn't say anything, didn't leave any explanation, and left halfway.

"Then you should come back soon! The sorority in our class will begin soon!"

When the squad leader Lou Zhenlin saw Yun Jian stepping out of the gym, he put his hands on his mouth and yelled where Yun Jian left.

By then Yunjian had gone far.

"I said squad leader, what do you care about that woman who makes money by selling her body? I think she's the old man's mistress!

"I just said that, she didn't dare to refute, because that's the truth! So she fled!"

Mo Lianhua's small class looked at Yun Jian's direction of departure and said nothing.

Mo Lianhua's little follower, Pan Qian.

Pan Qian is Mo Lianhua's first follower. She usually makes waves with Mo Lianhua and bullies many girls.

At this moment, Mo Lianhua himself stood up and went to Song Yu, and then held Song Yu's hand in front of everyone.

"Yu, you don't even say hello to me when you come!" Said, Mo Lianhua was shy.

"I'm not curious about the new director of your school's martial arts community?"

Song Yu, who had reacted from Yun Jian's departure, pretended that she had not noticed Yun Jian and scratched her head, and let Mo Lianhua hold her hand and let out her voice.

But it's quite disappointing. Thinking of such a beautiful lady, she was actually raised by a bad old man, and she was under her every day.

Song Yu shook her head. Sure enough, a girl like Yunjian can go to bed for fun, but it is not suitable for people who will spend a lifetime in the future.

Apparently, Yun Jian just didn't explain it. Everyone thinks that Yun Jian is really taken care of by the old man, as Pan Qian said.

Only Zhu Huili still believes in Yun Jian, but she can't give evidence ...

At that time, everyone talking about Yunyun's Yunjian just got out of the gym and headed towards the school gate.

She just received a text message. The three chiefs of the ancient mercenary regiment have arrived in Jiangcheng and are now at the gate of Jiangcheng University of Electronic Technology.

Yun Jian came here quickly, and saw three familiar figures standing near the gate of Jiangcheng University near the monument with the character "Jiangcheng University of Electronic Technology".

There are also some students in and out of school.

In college, it is very common to see foreigners.

Because the university has many international students from abroad, as long as you are walking in the university town, you can see from time to time several foreigners who say "Barbara" in your mouth and do not understand the national language.

And as the three chiefs of the ancient mercenary regiment, Dianne, Ghost Flame and Ghost Lian are not so prominent.

When the head of the intelligence team Dianney saw Yun Jian coming, he gave Yun Jian a big hug, and then pronounced it in standard Chinese: "Sister Jian, you have to call us. Is there anything urgent?"

"Yes." Yun Jian nodded, and then Yu Guang glanced around, watching the three Diannes, and said again:

"It's not convenient here. See you at Hengtang Old Street tomorrow afternoon at three. You should find a hotel first."

"Okay!" As for Yun Jian's order, the three Diannes always asked no reason, just do it.

When the words were over, the three turned around, as if they hadn't been here before, leaving the place one step ahead.

Yun Jian also turned around and returned to the gym shortly after.

She went to the gate of the school just to meet the three Diane.

She shouldn't stay much at this moment, so she agreed to meet up and Yun Jian returned to the gym.

Yun Jian's behavior this time is very low-key. After returning to the gym, the students in the class have already started to play games, and they are very happy.

Yun Jian secretly returned to the small corner and did not intend to participate in the event.

She has more important things to do, and more powerful enemies to deal with, unlike this group of carefree students.

However, she hadn't sat back next to Zhu Huili silently. She said that Yun Jian was on the tip of Pan Qian, an old man's car, and she saw Yun Jian at first glance. In front of the crowd, she started to make trouble out of nothing, picking things up:

"Look at everyone, Yunjian in our class is back! I also said I'd pick up three old friends. I think it's going to pick up three old customers! What's the matter? Come back so soon?

"Did the three old customers you just picked up all be old-fashioned old men, so you can finish the three artillery guns so fast? It's so **** fast for you to make money!"

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