Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2013: That sports car, her man

Yun Jian, who had received the medal, held the medal in her palm. She watched the six members of the King's Squad stare at her with excitement.

Yun Jian suddenly evoked a light smile.

There is a friendship called comrade-in-arms. No matter where you are, some people take pride in you and regard you as their faith!

Then, Yun Jian raised a red arc in front of everyone who was surprised, such as Song Yu, who couldn't stand still, facing each other: Chu Ju and Liu Shiyun:

"No. 006, codename Kill God, after two years, request to return to the team!"

This sound, such as Hongliang, fighting spirit, resounded throughout the audience.

The sound has infinite magic, as if it can make Song Yu, Mo Lianhua, etc. see the world of sword and blood.

That is, a world different from their ordinary college students!

That is, as an ordinary college student, he can't climb up for a lifetime!

That is, as a symbol of killing God, strength and strength!

Mo Bufan's whole-body cells followed the fierce boiling at this moment. He seemed to see the future of the King's Squad.

He seems to be proud of everyone in the King's Squad!

"Yunjian, welcome back!" When Liu Shiyun said here, not only Liu Shiyun, but the eyes of the six people in Chu Ning flashed a tear.

It's been two years and I haven't seen it for two years. Yunjian is even more dazzling.

After learning that Yun Jian disappeared from the hunting school, the six people in Chu Ning did not believe it. They did not believe that Yun Jian would die at the hunting school.

How could a hunting school let Yunjian die!

She, but Yunjian!

But two years have passed. He is a living person and should have returned.

But Rao is so. The six people in Chu Ning also firmly believe that Yunjian will not die so easily!

When they learned that Yun Jian was back, the six of them rushed from school to Jiangcheng University of Electronic Science and Technology almost non-stop and even forgot to ask for leave.

Regardless of what he counts as a class skip, see Yun Jian before talking!

The emotions of the six people at that time could not be described with words.

Either Song Yu standing next to it, or Mo Lianhua, all the cells in the body were clamoring.

In particular, Mo lotus who shook her head before not believing that Yunjian was the king's team to kill the gods, Mo lotus expression was dull at the moment, just like seeing something amazing.

It was originally thought that what Yunjian looked beautiful was useless, but it wasn't accepted by men!

But now I suddenly learned that Yunjian is actually the killer of the king team!

Song Yu's face also changed slightly.

When knowing that Yun Jian was not a mistress who made money from men, Song Yu was relieved.

Such a woman is worthy of herself!

"Yun Jianjian, you're finally back!" At that time, Chu Ning had flung into Yun Jian's arms in front of everyone.

"Yunjianjianer, we have improved a lot in the past two years, although it is far less than you, but among the army's peers, very few people are our opponents.

"We said that we won't hold you back! Now we have done it!"

Chu Ning held Yun Jian 蹭 蹭 蹭 那样, it looks like asking for praise.

After Yun Jian stowed the medal, he glanced at Chu Ning with his side and spit out two words of affirmation: "Great."

This is the highest evaluation of Yunjian.

After hearing Yun Jian's words, Chu Ning almost yelled at her with no excitement.

"Walk around, Yunjianjianer, although you are rich, but this time you managed to come back, I asked you to have supper! Please change me next time you ask me!"

Chu Ning said, holding Yun Jian's shoulder and going out.

"Wait!" Pan Qian was surprised when she heard Chu Ning's words.

Yunjian is rich?

"You said she was rich? I saw her in a Lamborghini last time. Wasn't that being raised?" Mo Lianhua reacted, and Pan Qian hadn't responded yet.

After listening to Pan Qian's words, Chu Ning stunned, then glanced at Pan Qian with a smirk in front of everyone:

"Lamborghini? Isn't that my Yunjianer man's car? Oh, by the way, I'm telling you that the car is a limited edition supercar sold only in the world. When you see it next time, remember to look a little more because you want to You can't see it! "

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