Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2015: I have had a good time in these two years

Song Yu, Mo Lianhua and Pan Qian all had their own thoughts in the stadium.

For other students in freshman computer class 13 and students in other schools in other classes.

Although the scene just now was shocked, but after the show, everyone still did their own thing. Under the organization of the head teacher Lou Zhenlin, they continued to participate in the class fraternity activities.

I have to say that the team leader Lou Zhenlin's organizational ability is very strong, and soon, the atmosphere of the activity once again rose to the highest point.

What happened just now was like a farce, and was quickly forgotten by everyone.

Of course, after Hui Jian left, Zhu Huili was not alone.

There are still many very friendly girls in the class, with the exception of a few girls who are speechless.

In general, in addition to Yun Jian, Zhu Huili also made many friends.

College girls are generally more normal and more friendly.

Especially freshmen who have just entered school, everyone is in an unfamiliar environment. Each of them has no friends and will show a very friendly expression to everyone in the class.

Only when we have been together for a long time and each has a fixed friend can we expose our own nature.

This is an instinct for people to protect themselves in a strange environment.

Naturally, it does not rule out the existence of girls like Mo Lianhua and Pan Qian ...

On the other side, Yunjian and Chu Ning have come to a street of a hawker hawker near Jiangcheng University of Electronic Technology.

At the Min City Military Academy, Yun Jian would also go to the street stall hawkers with six people from Chu Ning to go out to the restaurant.

Although it is cool at night, people can walk along the streets of the lively stall vendors in the breeze, choose a delicious stall vendor to sit down, and order a few delicious meals. This is a very ordinary but happy thing.

Although the hawkers are not very clean, Yunjian only pursues this warm feeling.

Seven people came to a street handmade noodle restaurant.

Yunjian ordered pork noodles with snow vegetables, and the six of them also ordered their favorite pasta. They were sitting on the temporary stall table and bench, waiting for it.

"Yun Jianjian, you can scare me to death, do you know that you were directly missing me at the hunting school for two years, I almost thought you ...

"Well, I don't care, I ask you for this meal. You have to ask me to rub three or four meals next time. You can't forget it!"

Chu Nang knocked on the small bowl he intended to use with clean chopsticks and made a noise.

Although Chu Ning's remarks meant to invite guests to Yunjian, Yunjian knew that she was purely worried about her own treats, just a lame reason.

"Okay, I won't forget." Yun Jian looked at Chu Ning's beautiful face that was obviously relieved, and arched.

"Well, isn't Yunjian back! Chopsticks are for eating, not for knocking, so all the bacteria that you can't see will go into the bowl, and bring the chopsticks!"

Compared with two years ago, Chu Xiangnan is much more stable. He grabbed chopsticks from Chu Ning and told him a few words.

"I want you to control!" Chu Ning poked her mouth, and her face was not right.

"The two goods are in love, Yunjian, you don't care about them. By the way, can you live in the past two years?" Jiang Weiwei interrupted Chu Ning and Chu Xiangnan, and asked Yunjian.

When heard that Chu Ning and Chu Xiangnan were in love, Yun Jian checked the arc, but he was not surprised.

After all, it can be seen two years ago that Chu Nang and Chu Xiangnan are very good.

But thinking about it, Jiang Weiwei asked himself the recent situation in the past two years.

In the past two years, he has stayed with Shen Yi in Shenquan for 666 days, and there is no shortage of one day.

Also on the six hundred and sixty-six days of Shenquan, Shi Yi's shameful thing to her did not fall for a day.

And as long as she thought of the 666 unshakable days and nights spent in Shenquan, Yun Jian's face turned slightly red, her ears were hot, and she tried to make herself look calm. :

"I have had a good two years."

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