Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2023: Are you sick? Go to the hospital

Gu Nian just touched Yun Jian's belly, and found that Yun Jian's belly was slightly rounded.

Although it has not changed much, it can be said that there is no change, but the roundness can be different from ordinary fat.

The fat is that when you bend down, they are stacked into a pile, but Yun Jian's belly just gives a slightly swollen feeling.

I have never thought of being a mother, but she has seen and touched the belly of a pregnant woman.

A woman with cellulite is pregnant, but that cellulite is still there, but Yunjian has no cellulite. She is now fat, but her belly is much more rounded.

Except for the belly, there was no weight gain at all.

Gu Nian is also an experienced person, and her experience is limited to the belly of many pregnant women she has touched.


Yun Jian raised his eyes to face up to the thought, and his face, which had always been unhappy and unconcerned, finally showed an unusual expression.

To be honest, Yun Jian is really not sensitive about such things as being pregnant or not. Although she thought about contraception last time, she didn't have any knowledge about this.

Whether it was in the previous life when it was organized by the Dark Soul, or as Yun Jian in this life, even she who was a witch **** has never known this aspect.

Although I thought about having a child for Si Yi last time, but one day, I felt a little ...


She is pregnant?

Gu Nian's voice was not loud, but the waitress beside her could hear it clearly.

This street was originally the downtown area of ​​the university town, where students studying in the university town would go shopping and shopping.

So the majority of the shopping crowd here are students.

Coupled with Yun Jian's looks, there are no real people in their twenties, or even under 20, who are **** in their 30s and who have made their appearances ten years older. Like female students.

Yun Jian's appearance is very young, giving a fresh and beautiful feeling, exquisite and beautiful.

Not to mention Yunjian is in the university town, the waitress can see at a glance that Yunjian is definitely a student at a nearby university.

When Gu Nian asked Yun Jian whether she was pregnant, the waitress glanced at Yun Jian and said in her heart that she was an unselfish female student.

The waitress just thought so. Gu Nian had put the short skirt on a hanger and pulled Yunjian away.

"Well? Aren't you buying it?" The waitress quickly asked.

"No more, no more!" Gu Nian waved and pulled Yunjian away.

The waitress heard this, and spit saliva in the direction where Chong Yunjian and Gu Nian left:

"I haven't bought it, I'm still pregnant! I don't know what's going on with female college students now! I don't care about one by one, I'm pregnant with boys all the time, and then the university is pregnant, eh!"

While the waitress was talking, Yun Jian had been pulled away by Gu Nian

"Sister Jian, have you been feeling sick recently? Right, right, how long have you been there?"

Gu Nian took Yunjian to the People's Hospital of Jiangcheng City, and asked as she walked, looking like a thief.

After Yun Jian heard it, he looked silent.

"Oh my god, Jian Jian, shouldn't you really haven't been there for a month or two!" Gu Nian looked around left and right, seeing that no one was passing around, whispered in front of Yun Jian.

If you care about it, let Yunjian's brow corner move slightly.

She really didn't pay attention to this issue.

I have been running around for more than a month, and watching that there are still two months left, it will be the evening party where the leaders of multinational corporations will get to know each other. At that time, the anti-imperial organization will also appear.

I overlooked that she hadn't been there in the past month.

"Hit, hit! Definitely hit, walk around! Go to the hospital to the hospital!" Gu Nian bouncing Yunjian and walked to Jiangcheng People's City Hospital, not far away.

When tourists around Gu Nian took Yunjian to the hospital, they shook their heads.

A good baby girl had a problem in her head. She was so happy when she went to the hospital that she didn't hum. I really don't know which nerve is out of order.

By then, Gu Nian had already taken Yunjian to the hospital.

But before Gu Nian pulled Yun Jian into the hospital door, a loud male voice called Yun Jian:

"Yunjian, are you unwell? Why did you come to the hospital?"

The male voice, listening to the gentle, and a little concerned voice.

But Yun Jian can know who this person is without having to turn around.

This person is the school grass of Dongfang University, Song Yu.

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