Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2027: Confirmation of pregnancy, a month

That "snap" sound was originally very light, only the authorities, Gu Nian and Li Nong, could hear it.

But the park was very quiet, and even the birds and insects could be heard quietly.

In such a quiet park, Li Nong saw that the coughing coughing thoughts could not breathe, so he reached out and patted her back to relieve her.

But it never occurred to him that he was long and fair, and his neat fingers accidentally provoked Gu Nian's underwear straps.

This was the first time that a woman's underwear belt was touched. Li Nong felt that his earlobe was a little hot, so he kept his soldiers on his face, but panicked in his heart, and quickly withdrew his hands.

So I did n’t notice that the hand holding the underwear band was recovered too quickly, and the underwear band was like a rubber band. It directly bounced back and looked back at the skin and issued a “snap”.

Li Nong was almost scared to go backwards. His pure, curious baby, but panic, revealed a hint of red glow.

Obviously, this is the first time Li Nong accidentally encountered a woman's underwear belt.

Yun Jian heard this "snap".

At that time, Ran Yun just blinked.

"Er hug, sorry." Li Nong scratched his handsome Junfa and whispered softly.

"You! You! Sorry what's the use? Your boy! Even if your boy is a **** on the mainland of the gods, how dare you touch my aunt ..."

Gu Nian flushed as soon as she thought of it.

The next second, Yun Jian saw Gu Nian chasing Li Nong, and the park was chasing "hit ...".

Where Yun Jian couldn't see, Gu Nian chased Li Nong, but she couldn't catch Li Nong, but she refused to give up.

As she ran, Gu Nian suddenly stumbled to a tree root in a park. She said "ah," and the person fell forward.

"Be careful!" Li Nong stopped running. He was about to catch Gu Nian, but Gu Nian was thrown away.

The next second, when Gu Nian reacted, she was already sitting on Li Nong.

What both of them did not expect was that Gu Nian sat directly on Li Nong's thigh when he fell.

Just somewhere between the two, with thin clothing, not far apart ...

"Ah !!!" Yun Jian heard Gu Nian's scream the next second.

Three minutes later, Gu Nianran ran back from a distance. She glanced at Yun Jian and said, "Sister Jian, I'm going back to the hotel," and ran away.

Yun Jian's eyes brightened.

Li Nong came to Yun Jian. That's right, Yun Jian let Li Nong open a room to stay in the hotel where Gu Nian lived ...

After Yunnong and Gu Nian had anything happened, Yun Jian didn't know.

Three days later, Yun Jian quietly went to the hospital for a pregnancy test.

At the moment when I got the list, Yunjian was still a little bit hesitant.

Really pregnant ...

The child is a month old ...

For more than a month, wasn't that the time on the rock near the sea?

I didn't take the pill that day, I was really pregnant.

Although the mysterious person has not been removed, Yun Jian is afraid of her pregnancy accident, but she was surprised and happy to hear the news.

She did not intend to tell Si Yi the first time she was pregnant.

Si Yi knew that she must be pleasantly surprised, but now that the time is counted, the mysterious person should be well wounded, and she and Si Yi may be assassinated at any time.

If he knew he had a child, he would certainly protect her with his life.

So even if you want to say, Yun Jian intends to tell him later.

However, at the moment Yun Jian planned to stuff the pregnancy test into his trouser bag and walked out of the hospital door, a slender, skeletal hand pumped Yun Jian into his trouser bag.

His familiar voice sounded immediately above him: "What is this?"

Yun Jian lifted his eyes and saw Sie's beautiful face that made people forget to breathe.

Yun Jian didn't expect that at this moment, Si Yi would come to her. She was shocked to get the pregnancy test from Si Yi.

However, it was already late. By then, the deep eyes of the man had glanced to the pregnancy test report.

Confirmation of pregnancy.

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