Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2037: Still, losers (1700+ words)

Song Yu stretched out his hand towards Yun Jian, waiting for Yun Jian's reply.

In the love circle of ninety-nine roses, Song Yu stood there, waiting for Yunjian to walk towards herself.

Normal boys propose on one knee.

However, Song Yu abandoned her knees on the ground, fearing to get her knees dirty.

Song Yu thought that he had made ninety-nine roses loved by himself. Such sincerity, but he was disdainful before.

To know which girl he wanted in the past, that girl would obediently come to him.

So today, Yunjian, he wants to order!

"together together together!"

At this time, I don't know who was shouting, everyone around him screamed.

Even those girls who were not at odds with Yun Jian usually yelled.

Not only the students around, but even the passers-by who saw this scene stopped and clapped their hands.

Atmosphere, instantly climax.

With the boiling voice of the girls around, Song Yu saw Yun Jian approaching herself as expected, and she sank her eyes. He opened a smile and watched Yun Jian continue to say his sensational words:

"Yunjian, maybe you don't know me enough, but I will let you know me! You said that we are not the people of the world, and today I confess my identity to you, to you.

"I'm not an ordinary person. I'm the son of the boss of the Welfare Gang. Just like you, I'm in a **** world. That's why we are both beautiful and natural!

"I swear, from today on, it is my life's task to love you. Please be my girlfriend!"

Song Yu has made so many girlfriends, and this is not the first time she has said something sensational.

When the surrounding girls heard Song Yu's sensational words, they were moved to wait for Yun Yu to accept Song Yu's love.

After listening to Song Yu's words, Yun Jian just wanted to sneer. She suddenly glanced at a girl not far away, and squinted, under the eyes of everyone, sneered at Song Yu:

"Are you sure that we are really one of the world?"

"I'm sure! I love you! I have never given my heart to any girl before, and only you are worthy of my heart!" Song Yu said without hesitation.

However, before Song Yu's sensational words had been finished, Yun Jian glimpsed that the figure of the girl had arrived behind Song Yu.

"Slap!" A slap, the girl threw a slap to Song Yu.

Girls, not others, are Mo Lianhua.

At this moment, Mo Lianhua looked at Song Yu with disbelief and looked betrayed.

"Yu, I really misread you! I thought you were sincere to me! I didn't expect you ..."

Mo Lianhua looked sadly at Song Yu, standing in a love circle surrounded by ninety-nine roses.

Mo Lianhua said, turning his head to stare at Yun Jian with the eye to kill Yun Jian. Yun Jian was the fierce look of Xiao San.

At that time, Mo Lianhua no longer pretended to be pure, she stared at Yun Jian with a cruel look, and shouted at Yun Jian:

"You third party! Primary three! Why are you so shameless! Why not die! Why don't you die !!!"

Mo Lianhua didn't know she was pregnant.

The person who accidentally mistaken the pregnancy data sheet with Yun Jian is Mo Lianhua.

After listening to Mo Lianhua, Yun Jian just laughed coldly.

Sometimes, you don't find anything, so someone sees you as good and bullies you.

When Song Yu and Mo Lianhua came and went, did they really consider themselves as ordinary college girls?

Third party?

Yun Jian can't remember what he had with Song Yu.

"Boring." Yun Jian spit out these words indifferently and turned away.

"Yunjian ..." Song Yu still wanted to stay.

Of course, Yun Jian had just taken two steps towards that end, and she suddenly glanced to the left.

I saw a long knife slashing at Yun Jian with the speed of light and electricity.

That speed is by no means ordinary people!

Even the high-level killer is far worse than that!

Yun Jian's eyes flashed sharply, and the next second, she put her hands together and cut the long knife that she cut towards herself with her hands, holding the left and right long knife edges with her hands.

At that time, the man holding the handle had an absolute advantage.

However, Yun Jian held the blade of this long knife with both hands, and she was not hurt by the blade under the force of the opponent's knife to kill her!

Due to the speed of the people coming, the people around them could not respond at all.

This change is comparable to the speed of light!

However, three seconds later, Yun Jian had already seized the long knife from the man, and he was kicked out in the future.

The comer was backed by Yun Jian two steps. If it was a normal person, it would have been vomiting blood by Yun Jian.

Yun Jian just showed no mercy!

The surrounding Song Yu, Mo Lianhua, and others were pale with fright at the sudden change.

However, after seeing the woman who rushed directly to assassinate Yun Jian, he held his footsteps, stretched out his black gloves on his hands, and smiled at Yun Jian:

"Well, 006, two years, I did not expect your skill is still so fast! But it does not matter, I came here today to defeat you!"

The person who came is not the other person, it is the leader of the soul-eating organization. One of the three survivors who came out of the dark soul organization alive with Yun Jian and Kuanglong in the past life is also determined to defeat Yun Jian. God!

006? Who is 006?

The crowd, led by Song Yu, were all in a sudden cloud of doubt.

However, at the moment when everyone in the audience such as Song Yu, Mo Lianhua, and Mo Bufan was dismayed, they saw the Yunjian standing in front of the crowd revealing a thoughtful and terrifying smile that everyone had never seen before.

Then she saw her throwing the long knife back to Shen Ji in front of everyone. After being caught by Shen Ji, she took out the two butterfly knives very calmly, held them in both hands, and calmly hooked. Arc sound:

"095, this is your 609th assassination of me, to meet your requirements, I will fight you!

"But still, in Dark Soul, you are not my opponent. You two years ago, you are not my opponent.

"Now you are still defeated by me!"

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