Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2056: Really think that no one is there (1700+ words)

The boy named Shen Qingjiang was still bragging, and suddenly saw the most beautiful girl in the car he had noticed just now, and walked from the front seat to himself.

Shen Qingjiang whistled, and then looked at Yun Jian who came to him, thinking that Yun Jian was also attracted by what he said just now, and he felt that he had his hair pinched, stopped the topic, and walked towards him. Yunjian said:

"Beauty, do you have any interest in Xin Kai Company?"

"What did you steal at Xinqi Company." Yun Jian said coldly.

Just two days ago, Zhang Zhifan sent her a message.

One thing that Xinqi has been lost is something that is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. It's not worthwhile for Xinqi.

The person who stole it, took away the newest sports car sample design drawing, which is very important for Xin Kai Company, and paid a heavy price.

This design drawing was inspired by a doctor who produced a car genius. There is only one in the world, and even the doctor can no longer draw a second one!

Xinqi Company has a camera, but the camera in this era is very blurry, only the vaguely visible figure, and the person who stole the latest sports car sample design is just carrying the camera.

Now Xinkai has started to search for thieves on a large scale.

This happened two days ago.

If you haven't found anyone yet, Yun Jian is planning to return to Xinqi Company and personally search for clues to find someone.

I did not expect to hear the words of Shen Qingjiang here.

Shen Qingjiang glanced around the pretty female college student in the car a long time ago, and she saw the most beautiful Yunjian in the morning.

But Yun Jian seemed to have nothing to do with himself, and Shen Qingjiang found it difficult to get started.

What Shen Qingjiang never expected was that Yunjian actually sent it up.

After listening to Yun Jian's words, Shen Qingjiang really thought that Yun Jian was interested in what he said, and he quickly said, "What else can it be, baby!"

"Jiangge stole, that's Jiangge's stuff. The company's Xinqi company doesn't lack this. You're not Jiangge's girlfriend. What do you want to do?

There was a fat girl standing in front of Yunjian, and at the same time she shook her body twice, with a look of unreasonable expression.

"Are you a student from other schools? The tube is really wide, and your elbows are almost reaching our Jiangcheng Normal University! Stand still far away! Damn it!"

A girl with a fat and beautiful appearance, a slender and gorgeous girl with a fat girl, stood next to Yunjian and glanced at Yunjian with a disdainful look.

Whether it is Shen Qingjiang, or the fat girl, or the good-looking girl who later voiced out, all are students of Jiangcheng Normal University.

A fat girl is Cai Xinyuan, and the girl with a good appearance is named Wu Zhizhi.

Cai Xinyuan and Wu Zhizhi were fascinated by Shen Qingjiang. At this moment, it was really unknown whether they were right or wrong, and they yelled at Yun Jian directly.

The other girls around Shen Qingjiang also followed Yun Jian's inexplicable words, shameless things.

Indeed, if what Shen Qingjiang does has nothing to do with Yun Jian, then Yun Jian walks up somehow, it is indeed shameless.

However, Shen Qingjiang himself admitted that he stole something from Xinqi.

And Yun Jian has seen the video surveillance, and the thief who stole the design is exactly the same as Shen Qingjiang.

The person who was seen by Yun Jian can be remembered by her height and strength, which is the experience and ability accumulated by her assassination for many years.

Yun Jian ignored both Cai Xinyuan and Wu Zhizhi. She looked coldly at Shen Qingjiang and bluntly said, "Among the things you stole, there are several drawings that depict the interior and exterior design of the sports car."

"How do you know !?" Shen Qingjiang said in surprise after hearing Yun Jian's words.

"Beauty, shouldn't you have super powers? It's amazing!" Shen Qingjiang looked at Yun Jian and said with a voice.

Seemingly emotional, in fact Shen Qingjiang wanted to be close to Yun Jiantao.

Speaking, Shen Qingjiang pushed away a girl who was sitting next to herself just touching her thigh herself, patted this position and said to Yun Jian:

"Beauty, it seems that you are also a fellow in the same circle. Sit down and talk about it? How about, next time I will take you to Xinqi Company to touch the two players?

"Brother is studying the thief recently and found that he is really suitable to be a thief. Would you like to join me?"

Shen Qingjiang's words immediately attracted Wu Zhizhi's dissatisfaction: "Brother Jiang, didn't you say you would take me!"

"Rest assured, I will take you next time!" Shen Qingjiang persuaded Wu Zhizhi, then looked at Yun Jian sideways.

"Submit the design." Shen Qingjiang just turned to look at Yun Jian, and Yun Jian's voice came out.

Listening to this, Shen Qingjiang froze.

"Beauty, those are all my own hands, so why give you?" Unless you sleep with me.

Later, Shen Qingjiang has not yet said.

But I saw Yun Jian standing in front of everyone in Shen Qingjiang, and his look remained unchanged. The cold eyes were extremely sharp. The next second, Yun Jian's right hand came to the neck of Shen Qingjiang.

Shen Qingjiang thought that Yun Jian was going to give his hand to touch him. He was about to touch it with a smile, but before touching Yun Jian's hand, he was stuck by a touch of cold objects on his neck.

The object reflected a light in the sunset refracted from the bus window.

Later, everyone saw that Yunjian was holding a bright butterfly knife.

I haven't waited for everyone's response, but I saw that Yun Jian there was in front of the inside of the bus, cooling himself to the sound of the ice in February, and spreading it to the ears of the whole car. Let the whole car be in the next second. People, eyes widened in astonishment:

"Stolen my things, invited me to steal my company's things, so bold!

"Do you really think I'm the chairman of Xinkai, is it a display?"

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