Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2072: I found someone in the classroom

The words of Yun Jian are very logical.

In fact, many people can analyze it, but no one observes it like Yun Jian.

For example, Wu Zhizhi, she was playing with her young lady's temper from beginning to end, and if she found something that made sense to her, she thought she was definitely right and had no logic analysis ability.

Such people are often in the most embarrassing situation after the truth has been broken.

Sure enough, after the words of the female teacher and Yun Jian fell, Wu Zhizhi couldn't say a word.

"Three days, just wait and see. I'd like to see if the people at Xinqi Company come with a billion dollars!" I also knew it was impossible! One billion! This is not a small number!

Even if a large multinational company such as Xinqi Company stands on the international stage, it is almost impossible to give up one billion yuan!

One billion compared with the one hundred thousand that her family took out is not a level at all!

Can Yunjian really get it!

After Wu Zhizhi said this to Yun Jian, he had no face to stay here.

So she turned to say hello to her friend, Cai Xinyuan, who had a lot of fat on her body and would just tremble violently just a few steps away, left here.

After Wu Zhizhi and the two fled, Shen Qingjiang left with a group of girls in a panic.

It wasn't until this group of people had gone far that Liang Xiumin looked at Yun Jian and said with excitement:

"Yunjian, you are just too handsome! Haha! You haven't seen that girl's face all green! I really haven't seen a rich girl who is more temperamental than me! I just can't look at her! "

Liang Xiumin said, but he did not applaud.

Mu Yan on the side was very sensible. He ripped the corners of his mouth, tilted his head to look at Liang Xiumin, and then turned to look at Yun Jian, and said:

"It was indeed the popularity that was brought to me just now, and I also very much agree to sharpen the spirit of those people, and actually said such things in front of the children!

"However, can you really get Xinqi to donate 1 billion yuan to children in poor mountain areas? Are you really the chairman of Xinqi?"

Obviously, even if Yun Jian said that there was no evidence of rebirth, no one would easily believe it.

After all this is too unreasonable!

Listening to this, Liang Xiumin turned her eyes to Yun Jian, but saw Yun Jian who stood in front of them slightly squinting and said, "Guess."

People born and raised in Wuzhen have never gone out of their mountains, and female teachers who have been teaching in Wuzhen like women teachers for many years have been isolated from the world for many years.

So they do n’t know what Xinkai is.

Children don't know how much a billion is.

Children here are generally slower than their children in the city.

Without the guidance of a famous teacher, even if you work harder, you will naturally be inferior to the children in the city.

"Sister, can I take you to lamb after school, my sister is so beautiful, the lamb will definitely like you very much!"

The child who Wu Zhizhi said a moment ago walked to Yun Jian a little tremblingly, and said to Yun Jian.

This is a very cute little girl, but because she hasn't been able to take a shower for a long time, she also smells sweaty, and her face and little hands are dirty.

After being called and scolded by Wu Zhizhi just now, the little girl did not dare to reach out and touch Yun Jian's hand. She was afraid that Yun Jian would also abandon herself.

"Then it's settled, you will take us to sheep after school!" Yun Jian has not yet responded, Liang Xiumin first responded to this lovely little girl.

After speaking, seeing everyone around him looking at himself, Liang Xiumin froze, and then coughed twice, moving his eyes aside, his mouth was not right:

"Ahem! It's not that I want to go with you to raise sheep. I just want you to let Yunjian go and promise Yunjian for you! I'm just going to inspect the incident together!"

The young lady's arrogant temper was gone, and the children giggled after listening to Liang Xiumin's words.

"Smile, what smile!" Liang Xiumin's face turned out, but there was nothing fierce.

"Big sister is much cuter than those sisters who just left!" A naughty little boy put his hands to his mouth and shouted loudly.

The scene was peaceful.

The little girl who invited Yun Jian to put the sheep just now, everyone called her apricot. The naughty little boy is called He Qifang.

A group of children immediately quarreled with Liang Xiumin.

The young lady Liang Xiumin has lost her temper ...

At 3:30 in the afternoon, after the children were out of school, Yun Jianben went with a group of children and Liang Xiumin to a sheep-holding place on a hillside.

As a result, a child forgot to take home the textbooks for homework, and asked the child to go back to pick them up. It was too slow to walk alone. Yunjian asked a group of people to go to the hillside where the sheep were first rushed back to school.

I had just arrived in the child's classroom, but suddenly I heard two strange sounds.

"Ah, here, it will not be found here, um, Qingjiang Qingjiang is so comfortable ..." This is the woman's voice.

"Everyone's **** gone, it's exciting to do it in the classroom, and the dead woman's cousin called me!" This was the voice of the man.

Yun Jian heard this, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Alas, you can hear it from your voice without looking. The masters of these two secret voices are Wu Zhizhi and Shen Qingjiang.

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