Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2080: Bloody night event, reappearing glory

"Ah, it hurts ..." Until Wu Wei thoroughly entered, Ye Ling hadn't reacted to this change.

How could this be?

Was it OK just now?

I thought it was just my mother Ji Qinqin who was holding her heart to talk, but how could it have become like this?

Ye Ling couldn't tell what it was like at the moment. If she didn't want to accept Wei Wei, she just started to struggle.

But Ye Ling didn't struggle, so after being torn apart inside her body, Ye Ling was completely turned into his woman by Wei Wei before responding.

Maybe she already likes him.

After Wu Wei entered her violently and rudely, Ye Ling stretched out her hands and replaced Wei Wei's neck, burying her head at his shoulder.

His legs tangled around his waist.

"Light, point ..." She spoke like a kitten whining, even her earlobes were rosy.

Isn't she trying to escape? Escape from his world! So Wei Wei took her rudely.

But now she is noisy and noisy, but cooperates with him. What is going on?

Desire overshadowed the sane brain. For the first time in more than two decades, Wei Wei, who had tasted this freshness, stopped hesitating and continued to move.

Outside the house, Ji Qinqin was forced to listen to her baby daughter again, and she cried while hiding in her room.

Ji Qinqin never thought that all of this was triggered by himself ...

At that time, Wuzhen leads to the rugged mountain trails in the urban area.

Yun Jian's words, with a certain momentum, were introduced to everyone's ears.

Wu Zhizhi, Shen Qingjiang, and others standing in the distance heard Yun Jian's words, and their eyes widened.

The first four are all killers on the international killer rankings! ?

There is also a sharpshooter who retired before country X! ?

"Are these all big men in the world! Why are so scary people appearing here!" Mu Yan raised her eyes and asked questions.

Mu Yan apparently knew something about these things, and when he heard that, his face changed dramatically.

"Which country or international person is she? Yes, yes?"

Obviously, the head of the African leopard who stood in front of her had taken out unusual weapons. Wu Zhizhi was still reluctant to admit the fact, and she stammered again.

But Wu Zhizhi's words had not been finished yet, but everyone saw the African leopard and the other five people over there listening to Yun Jian's words, and they were shocked.

An ordinary little girl, naturally cannot recognize them at a glance!

And Yun Jian just glanced at them and burst out their details.

Who is she!

"How can you be so clear about who we are!" African Leopard stared at Yun Jian, asking.

The words of the African leopard were directly recognized as the identity of the five of them.

What Wu Zhizhi said just now made her look like a clown, and her face was even more ugly.

"When it comes to international affairs, I don't know anything about it." In front of a few people, Yun Jian's unveiled hook arc sounded.

"Who the **** are you!" The African leopard had to pay attention to Yun Jian at this moment, and pay attention to this little girl who did not care about them at first!

"Brother, don't waste time with this little girl film. We quickly take someone back to the organization to make a difference with the leader. No matter who she is, even if she is the top three figure in the international killer list, five of us will join hands, and she will not fly! "

The twenty-ninth dragon on the international killer list standing beside the African leopard wiped his nose with his hand and uttered a voice to the African leopard.

Five top international characters battle Yunjian one!

As long as she is not the horrifying myth in the world! It can never be their opponent!

"Really." After listening to Long Yi's words, Yun Jian's red arc grew deeper when Wu Zhizhi and others met.

"Is the Five Wars one, do you know about the Bloody Night incident?" Yun Jian continued to speak out.

Bloody night event!

After listening to Yun Jian's words, the five people led by the African leopard were stunned.

Learn naturally!

Who on the road, who does not know the **** night incident!

Now why is the instantaneous **** of the international agent rankings famous because of the **** night event!

At the beginning, the emergence of Kojima was a blockbuster. The top ten killers in the international killer rankings, including the top ten agents in the international agent rankings, twenty people, united to block the Kagejin. The joint gesture will kill the Kagejin !!

But in the end, the top twenty people in this international agent killer world were washed away by the gods of the moment, bloodlessly!

One person, fight against the top 20 people in the international agent killer circle!

Suddenly, win!

This is the **** night incident.

The original Bloody Night event shocked the world!

The top ten people in the international killer agent list were all dead. Naturally, the killer agents from the back added in.

However, as long as it is a person in the circle, after that, all the gods will be regarded as the object who would rather commit suicide than dare to provoke!

The original Bloody Night incident was a record of Sushen with more than one war.

Now, what is the moral of this little girl bringing this up?

The five African leopards didn't know why.

Of course, don't wait for them to think more.

Yun Jian has smoothed out the rising red arc in front of all the people present, and that indifferent side face was facing the five African leopards, and the cooling seemed to reproduce the indifferent sound of the **** night event that passed to every The individual's heart was stirred up by a panic:

"After three years, this is the first time since the Bloody Night incident that the killer united on the list once again shot at me, so guys, are you ready to die?"

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