Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2084: Behind the door, hey cheating

Whatever Yun Jian said, she always did what she said!

This is something that Celadon knows very well.

"Huh!" Celadon nodded.

"Don't you say that the anti-imperial organization is a killer organization? You have to accept the killer organization and those killers?

"Yunjian, what are you doing !?"

Wu Zhizhi is really stupid and can't hide anything.

Liang Xiumin, like Wu Zhizhi, is a young lady, but Liang Xiumin is smarter than Wu Zhizhi and knows what to ask and not to ask.

But Wu Zhizhi never knew what to ask and what should not be asked.

Or maybe curiosity dominated the subject, causing Wu Zhizhi to ask the answer, and then he asked directly.

By then Yunjian had turned to the blue-glazed roadster.

Just before walking towards the blue-glazed roadster, he heard Wu Zhizhi's stupid questioning.

Listening to this, Yun Jian's arc lips slightly ticked up.

"Do you know why I killed that person just now?" Of course, Yun Jian's words surprised everyone in the audience.

After thinking about it, Wu Zhizhi didn't understand yet, but she was a little afraid of Yun Jian's eyes at the moment, so what she said from Wu Zhizhi's mouth was slightly chilling: "Why ..."

"Because he talks as much as you do." After that, Yun Jian suddenly reached out and swept across Wu Zhizhi's neck.

Everyone in the audience didn't even react, they felt that Yun Jian swipes a knife light in his hand.

Wu Zhizhi also stunned, and when she reacted, Daoguang had scratched her neck: "Ah, no, I don't want to die !!!"


When everyone responded, they saw Wu Zhizhi's long hair scattered around his shoulders, and Yun Jian cut a large number with a butterfly knife.

The sound was the crisp sound of long hair being cut off.

Wu Zhizhi let out a few sighs of relief, she was scared to death.

When Wu Zhizhi returned to her mind, Yun Jian had already walked to the roadster. The moment before she sat in the roadster, she turned to look at Wu Zhizhi and evoked a red arc:

"I think no one should have told you that someone who talks so much about you and who cares about no one can die the fastest."

After that, without waiting for Wu Zhizhi to react, Yun Jian held the door with one hand, and a turn over jumped directly from the full sunroof of the roadster into the driving position of the sports car.

Celadon also jumped into the front passenger seat of the roadster.

The roadster drew a straight line in the hands of Yunjian, like the speed of a meteor, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Ye Ling's home.

Ye Ling's boudoir was filled with the joy of men and women.

Ye Ling tossed around by Wei Wei and took a nap. After waking up, she suddenly felt that she had been taken by him.

"Yeah!" Ye Ling almost jumped from the bed and then got out of bed.

At this moment, she was undressed and fell directly to the ground.

The soreness in the thighs caused Ye Ling to support her upper body, but she was not stable.

However, just before accidentally throwing Ye Ling on the ground, he was grabbed by a big palm stretched out of the bed, and fished back to the bed.

"Want to escape?" Wu Wei sounded coldly.

Still simple and rude.

I've known each other for so long, Ye Ling can hear it. As soon as Wei Wei gets angry, she won't say much to her.

In fact, Wu Wei was taciturn, and it was true for everyone, and she improved on her later.

But as soon as Qi Wei gets angry, she will treat her the same way as everyone else.

"I didn't, I ..." Ye Ling's eyes rolled twice, and she just wanted to explain.

Ye Wei didn't listen to what Ye Ling said, he lay on her body.

"Open the door! Open the door! Don't blame Bell Bell. It's my fault. All mistakes are my fault. Please let my girl go! If you want to kill or slap you, come to me, don't hurt Bell ... "

Outside the door, the desperate voice of Ye Ling's mother Ji Qinqin came.

As soon as Ji Qinqin's remarks fell, he heard the moans of her daughter being violated in the room: "Ah don't, don't do this ..."

In front of Ye Ling's mother, Wu Wei entered Ye Ling again only through a door ...

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