Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2094: Receiving this attitude?

Zhou Juntao's confident words made his brothers uproar for a while.

Although there is such a trace of unbelief in my heart.

With such a small body, can it really lead the members of the martial arts community to win the first place in this year's martial arts competition?

But if in doubt, no one would say more at this moment ...

Every other day.

Province G, Canton.

Guangzhou is a first-tier city located in G province, with rapid economic development and high living standards.

It is located in a tall villa outside the suburb of Guangshi.

There were people holding iron bars and iron bars around the villa. The group of people were all around, walking around from side to side, as if guarding someone inside the villa.

Inside the villa, in a room large enough, a noble lady sat in front of a makeup mirror, she fiddled with her hair, her face waning.

With a squeak, the door was opened and closed again.

The noble lady was completely unaffected by the door being opened and closed, and continued to fiddle with her hair, as if a doll without emotion.

It wasn't until the door was closed, the door was locked, and a beautiful voice like a goddess came that awakened the lady from her own world:

"Abandoning your family and leaving your son and daughter to live a poor life as a pig and a dog in a poor mountain area. Wang Cuifen, have you ever had a slight remorse?"

Come, that is Yunjian.

And Wang Cuifen abandoned Liu Ying and Liu Shi's mother.

After listening to Yun Jian's words, Wang Cuifen suddenly stood up from the bench in front of the dressing table, turned and stared at Yun Jian in amazement:

"Who are you? How do you know Yingying and Xiaoshi! There is a tight guard here, and there are people outside the door. How did you get in! And how are Yingying and Xiaoshi doing now?"

Liu Ying and Liu Shi's mother, Wang Cuifen, married the biggest underground gang boss in province F, Hong Tieniu.

The woman who abandoned her family is the most offensive being in the world.

But when Wang Cuifen heard about Liu Ying and Liu Shi, she was worried.

"You don't need to know who I am, you just need to know, your children are not doing well." Yun Jian said.

After listening to Yun Jian's comment that Liu Ying and Liu Shi had not been good, Wang Cuifen covered her face and wept softly and cried: "Yingying Xiaoshi mother is sorry for you! Mom is sorry for you!"

After half a ring, when Wang Cuifen stabilized his emotions, Yun Jian learned the truth from Wang Cuifen's mouth.

Wang Cuifen was not abandoning her family, but a few years ago, when Wang Cuifen and her husband entered the city, they accidentally encountered Hong Tieniu, the biggest gang boss in the underground of G province.

Wang Cuifen is beautiful, even if she is now, she has not been much polished by time.

Hong Tieniu used his power to forcefully take away Wang Cuifen.

Wang Cuifen and her husband were afraid that Hong Tieniu would hurt the children, so they lied to Liu Ying and Liu Shi. Wang Cuifen ran away with other men, even the grandmother didn't know the truth.

After all, with the power of Hong Tieniu, ordinary people like them, if they are forced to do it, may not even be able to keep their lives.

Wang Cuifen thought he would never go back in this life.

Hong Tieniu knew that Wang Cuifen was not here, so she kept Wang Cuifen in the villa for many years, and did not let her leave the villa for half a step.

When heard that Liu Ying and Liu Shi's father died as a result of the accident, Wang Cuifen's face was dull and she cried.

"Don't cry, just go with me." Yun Jian snorted.

"Leave? No, no, I can't leave, little girl, you can tell me what's happening at home, I'm very grateful to you, I can't affect you! Hong Tie Niu is so cruel, I don't know how many people have killed him, I afraid......"

Wang Cuifen was afraid of being involved with Yun Jian, and she shook her head anxiously.

Yun Jian's eyebrows had just been calm, and she suddenly raised her head slightly. Before Wang Cuifen's words had fallen, she suddenly made a smile: "It seems that you have to go without leaving."

As soon as Wang Cuifen heard it, somehow, footsteps and shouts came from the door the next second:

"Hurry up! Go to Madam's room! Someone broke into Madam's room!"

After a while, a tall and mighty middle-aged man kicked the door open.

Seeing that Yun Jian had no intention of hiding at all, he stood right there, and the middle-aged man glared at Yun Jian, threateningly:

"Little girl, you are so brave! How dare you break into my Mrs. Hong Tieniu's room! Don't you want to hang on the road!"

This middle-aged man who hurried into the room with a group of brothers was the biggest gang boss in G province, Hong Tieniu.

G province, like Zhejiang province, is a province.

Hong Tieniu is the leader of the gang in G province. At a certain level, he is on an equal footing with Yunjian as a Rakshasa.

After looking at Yun Jian's appearance, seeing that Yun Jian was just an 18-year-old girl, Hong Tie Niu smiled coldly, and then said:

"The young girl is very young, so good! You can avoid all surveillance cameras and my brethren, but no matter who you are, you have to die here today!"

As a provincial gang boss, Hongtie's bullish field is certainly powerful.

"Don't! It was my fault. I was so bored that I called her. You let her, let her go!" Wang Cuifen listened to this and quickly stepped out in front of Yun Jian to speak to Hong Tieniu.

Hong Tieniu certainly won't let Yun Jian die like this.

The way these beasts deal with pretty little girls is generally gang **** and then kill.

Wang Cuifen was astonished.

However, when the brothers behind Hong Tieniu looked at Yun Jian's beautiful face and proud figure, they already smiled and thought that Yun Jian was something in their palm.

Yun Jian grabbed Wang Cuifen's collar and pulled her away.

Then, Yun Jian looked straight at Hong Tieniu in front of everyone present, and the gas field that wasn't low on Hong Tieniu was fully open. She sneered a red arc and bluntly uttered words that made everyone in the audience stunned:

"You G Province Tengu Gang, did you treat me Rakshasa with this attitude! Or ...

"G Tianguo Gang, intends to declare war with my Zhejiang Falcon Hall !?"

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