Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2114: Find the past life, her body

The old woman said, attracting everyone's attention.

At this time, I saw the handsome man in his early thirties had already stepped down from the silver-gray supercar and walked over here.

The forty-year-old man who just shouted 'My cousin is here', with a big beer belly and a bulging belly, exuding a middle-aged old man's breath, is a handsome man stepping on a figure eight to the early thirties. Go on.

Then, under the eyes of a group of people who were attracted, he embraced the handsome man who was in his thirties.

"Come and introduce, this is my cousin Zhang Junyi. When Junyi heard that her aunt had died, she immediately flew back from New York, M, and returned to her filial piety. It's late today, but ah, my heart is here, haha ! "

The middle-aged man introduced this handsome man who was in his early thirties and upright and handsome.

Zhang Junyi is the same generation as Qin Yirou and the middle-aged man. However, Zhang Junyi's mother gave birth to him later, so he is nearly ten years younger than Qin Yirou and the middle-aged man.

Zhang Junyi's mother and Yun Zhong are close siblings, so they are close relatives.

However, Zhang Junyi's relationship with the Yun family was not particularly good, so he rarely returned in the past.

At least in Yun Jian's memory, there is no memory of this person.

However, in nominal terms, Zhang Junyi and the original owner are also related by blood, and are regarded as distant relatives.

After the middle-aged man talked, someone immediately came up and asked the middle-aged man: "Xiao Zhang, this is your cousin, the big scientist who made a lot of money?"

As soon as I heard a lot of money, coupled with Zhang Junyi just got off a silver-gray supercar.

This silver-gray supercar is obviously more upscale than Chen Yilan and Hong Taishan's, so people around are soon getting excited.

This super sports car of Zhang Junyi, from the appearance alone, looks like the car with Yunjian Ferrari can't see who's expensive.

Those who do not know how to do, can only look at the shape of a car to evaluate the value of the car.

"No, this kid, he is very rich now. He is also dealing with business tycoons and colleagues in Ren International. He now lives in New York, Country M, and bought a suite in New York, Country M. It ’s worth less Ten million! "

The middle-aged man smugly braced Zhang Junyi's shoulders and helped brag about it.

Zhang Junyi himself did not look too much.

After hearing the words of the middle-aged man, the people around him were stunned again, and they also made "Oh ~" "Oh ~" surprise sound.

The arrival of Zhang Junyi, in addition to letting people around him, even Chen Yilan, who had been focusing on Yun Jian, glared at Zhang Junyi.

Chen Yilan hates meeting relatives who are richer than her own. Her eyes staring at Zhang Junyi are almost falling off.

Zhang Junyi's cousin, that middle-aged man, had long seen Chen Yilan's bragging look unhappy. Now he saw Chen Yilan's stare. He had to set his eyes up to the sky, and then said to Zhang Junyi:

"Junyi, haven't you recently found a female corpse that won't rot with the international experts? I said that I can get a large bonus after I have done my research! I also took photos to give you Look at me! "

Zhang Junyi is engaged in scientific research, studying some bizarre events that are beyond reality.

The words of the middle-aged man made Zhang Junyi stunned.

But Zhang Junyi still took a photo from his pants pocket without losing his grace.

The middle-aged man directly grabbed this photo given by Zhang Junyi, and displayed a circle in front of everyone present:

"Look, this is my female cousin's latest research on the female corpse. I heard that it hasn't shown any signs of decay after three or four years. It ’s amazing! If my cousin and experts research it, it would be estimated There are countless bonuses! "

Zhang Junyi once researched something that others could not study, so he got a lot of bonuses, and now his family has passed 10 million, which is considered rich in this era.

The words of the middle-aged man resounded through the audience.

At this point, Zhang Junyi's eyes narrowed and he explained:

"We haven't started researching this female body."

Before Zhang Junyi finished speaking, the middle-aged man took the picture and displayed it in front of everyone.

The moment the photo was swept from Yun Jian's eyes, Yun Jian's copy was just an unintentional glance.

In the photo, a sixteen-year-old girl is wearing a lightweight leather jacket with tight leather pants under her body. She wraps the girl's beautiful figure in it, and her thighs in leather pants are tied with a handle. gun.

At a glance, you can see that the identity of the girl must be different from ordinary people.

Wearing a pair of clean flat shoes on her feet, lying on a wooden bed, Enron seemed to just slept away.

When seeing the girl in the photo, Yun Jian just had an unconscious glance. The next second, she suddenly had a deep look, grabbed the photo, sharp eyes moved fiercely, and asked, "The young girl in this photo was placed by you Where is it! "

The girl in the photo is not someone else. She is the real body before rebirth.

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