Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2124: Did n’t learn to save herself

The words of the male student successfully attracted Yun Jian's attention.

Yun Jian stopped.

"Hey, I know you're interested in this! Seeing that you usually don't care about ordinary things, I know that you should be particularly interested in some weird things!"

The male student came over to Yunjian, and as he walked, he banged his fingers, pretending to be handsome and handsome.

"Where is your archeological friend," Yun Jian said.

"Don't worry! When you finish this morning class, I will show you my friends from other school archeological clubs at noon!

"They have explored more than once! Didn't we find an ancient tomb a thousand years ago in the northern part of Country Z six months ago? After that ancient tomb was discovered, it made headlines and made a sensation!

"My friends of these archeological clubs are all involved! These kinds of adventures are the best at them! At that time, I will tell them to take you to play with them, by the way ... "

The male student said, could not help but brag about the last two sentences.

The male student's name is Tong Zhengjin, and the person is pretty good. When the student has something to do, he will come out first to help.

"Thank you very much." Yun Jian said nothing else. After listening to the words of Tong Zhengjin, she said this.

Following the group is now the best choice for Yunjian.

Why do you say that nowadays, the body of her previous life has been exposed. Those international business tycoons, munitions tycoons, and even the characters on the killer agent list have come forward to the M's Mariana's tomb.

She had to get to Marianna's tomb in the quickest possible time.

However, she went too alone to attract attention.

Yun Jianben plans to find a gang to go to the M Liliana tomb in M ​​country together.

But nowadays, since Tong Zhengjin introduces her peers to her, she just avoids having to find someone ...

After the morning class, Yun Jian asked for leave and went to Tong Zhengjin's friends with his archeological clubs in other schools.

Tong Zhengjin's friends from the archaeological clubs of other schools are students of Jiangcheng Institute of Archeology near Jiangcheng University of Electronic Technology.

Jiangcheng Institute of Archeology is a university. As the name suggests, the students here will be archeologists in the future.

The students of the Archaeological Society of Jiangcheng Archaeological Institute are all first-class talents of Jiangcheng Archaeological Institute.

This female corpse incident was not the scope of study by archeology students. However, they all expressed great interest. The main point was that the female corpse was stored in the tomb.

Therefore, the students of the archeological society all asked the school to study the female corpse under the name of the archeological name of the burial place of the Mariina tomb of the country M.

Tong Zhengjin knew the president of the archeological society, so he quickly introduced Yunjian to the people of this archeological society:

"This is my classmate Yun Jian. She's interested in going to Marilyn's tomb to study the female corpse, so she can let her go with you?"

Tong Zhengjin told Ma Zhixiang, president of the Archeological Society.

"Very welcome!" President Ma Zhixiang welcomed.

As the president of the Archeological Society, Ma Zhixiang is very kind and tall and thin. He is not particularly handsome but not ugly. He is a handsome boy.

A group of people at the Archeological Society will go to the Marilyn's Tomb to explore. It is naturally impossible to ask all members of the Archeological Society to participate.

The wish is hooked, and nothing more.

But the number was not enough, so Ma Zhixiang, the president, issued invitations to other members of his school's archeology department.

But after all, it is a real expedition to the tomb. Most people are afraid to go.

So here come and go, he would have enough five people.

With Yunjian, there are a total of six.

Other archaeological society members also welcomed Yun Jian.

At this moment, a female member of the archeological society who also participated in the tomb expedition gave Gao Leng a glance at Yun Jian and pointed out to Ma Zhixiang in public:

"President, isn't that great? Let a girl who is not our archeological institute participate. Did she learn to save herself? In case of danger, can she escape alone?

"People in our school of archeology learn these things, but what about her? Don't drag our hind legs, it will be life-threatening!"

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