Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2128: Mysterious like her, unfathomable

The corpse was her fancy, so it was her!

Yun Jian's words shocked everyone who had just been shocked by the phrase "my body" that Yun Jian said.

Of course, Yun Jian ’s move just now is so horrifying. She just faced the rifle of the leading foreigner. Instead of being afraid, she used the space to answer the words that interested the foreigner. In just three seconds, they captured the rifle in the hands of that foreigner!

This doesn't even count, she actually knocked the foreigner down on him, as if the rifle was just a toy gun, loaded the gun, and slid the rifle naturally from her own hand, and the muzzle arrived at the leader. Foremen of foreigners.

As if everything was as expected.

But she is just an 18-year-old girl!

At the same time, everyone could not help thinking about this.

At that time, whether it was Liu Mengyu who failed to figure out the limelight in the beginning and failed, or Ma Zhixiang and the other foreigners who came with his party.

Or maybe the lead foreigners who were stepped on their feet by Yun Jian and aimed at their heads.

At this moment, no one's face was not astonished.

Sudden, shocked, terrified to tremble.

The expressions of everyone present were various, but there were no exceptions, terrified and Yun Jian's shocking skill.

Who is this girl?

And knowing that Yunjian is the president of Jiangshu University of Electronic Science and Technology Wu Zhi, Ma Zhixiang, Lou Yuyan, and others, were shocked.

The director of a martial arts society in her district still makes a gun?

Judging by the proficiency of using rifles, even if you close your eyes, you can pull the bolt and load it.

The horrifying worldly skill and the speed of the gun are so fast that the opponent has no chance to respond at all.

I have to say that very few people can match Yunjian!

And those who can compete with Yun Jian are undoubtedly mostly internationally renowned figures.

Ma Zhixiang and others are just ordinary college students, and of course they would not think of these.

Just when everyone was puzzled, and Yun Jian was shocked by Yun Jian's actions, Yun Jian's quiet words resounded again: "Give down the guns in your hands, or I will kill your leader."

Afterwards, Yun Jian lifted the rifle in his hand gently, and the muzzle of the rifle was aimed at the head of the leading foreigner, revealing the almost wielding gun and leaving the fire.

Seeing Yun Jian's move, the group of foreigners next to the leader holding the rifle immediately put down the rifle in his hand.

In the squadron of mercenaries, their team consciousness is very strong.

Unlike the killer agent world that Yun Jian is in, the teammates standing behind him may strike you at any time.

At the same time that the leading foreigners laid down their guns, they could not help but be shocked:

Alas, I saw a ghost! What the **** is this girl doing! Actually, they also knew that the squadron of mercenaries was divided into several teams.

And the captain of one of their squadrons is not called the captain, but the head of the team!

The leading foreigner who was stepped under Yunjian was the head of their squad!

The head of the team is to let the strongest person be the leader.

Facing such a thorough understanding of their own understanding, the men of the leading foreigners quickly put down their guns and were very knowledgeable and stopped doing it.

This little girl is too scary, and seems to know very well what's going on inside the squadron of mercenaries.

They can't do it!

In the end, Ma Zhixiang and others followed Yun Jian from the road just blocked by those squall mercenary regiments and swayed past them. Those who initially had guns in their squadron regiments didn't dare to put a fart.

Until Ma Zhixiang and others followed Yunjian far away, they had not recovered from the shock of Fang.

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