Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2135: This cloud note is not easy

‘People I ’ve guarded, even if they ’re waste, even if it ’s a dog, you can kill if you say kill! ’

Yun Jian's words, like a ton of heavy stones, crushed the hearts of everyone present.

Only by accident, no one can react in the first time.

By the time everyone reacted, Yun Jian had fired a machine gun and fired at the eight black forces who wanted to kill Blackett.

Someone she once protected!

When Blackett heard Yun Jian's sentence, only a single figure appeared in his mind, also in his desperate situation, when they thought they were about to die.

That figure, like Yun Jian at the moment, stood upright, and looked down at them like this, looking down at all the people present, saying what Yun Jian said just now, generally speaking:

"Who dares to kill the person I protect!"

Blackett fell to the ground, squinting, and he borrowed Yu Guang to look at the cloud paper standing on a large rock.

Looking at Yun Jian's beautiful figure overlapped with a certain figure in memory.

"S" Blackett grabbed himself and was shot by a bullet, gushing blood wounds. He looked at standing on a high rock, carrying a machine gun in his hand, and playing freely with cloud notes, shouting this shocking The letters come.

The woman who gave them a second life and let them live!

The woman who told them that if she wanted to survive, she would fight for it with her own hands!

She is the myth and legend that will never be defeated in their hearts!

Her name is Chashen!

"Closure your mouth, the weak and the stubborn are not qualified to speak." Yun Jian hooked her arc, and she turned her face to the eight black people, saying words that were not merciful.

However, this made Blackett laugh.

Yes she is she ...

Generally unparalleled words! A retreat from the moment!

Even standing posture, eyes, and speech are the same!

She is!

"Crazy, crazy, crazy! When did she go down the mountain! Didn't she die! That group of people is really a black force! It will kill people! As a result, she dared to use machine guns to challenge the group of black forces!

"Just to save the few foreigners who killed themselves? Also put their lives on? This is not crazy!"

A single Caiyue who was less than 1.5 meters saw a distance of 100 meters, Yun Jian stood on a large rock in the center of a group of people, and used such provocative actions and words to target the group of black forces, and her heart suddenly followed a fierce jump , A shock!

"When will she go down the mountain! This will be life-threatening! She won't be crazy!" Lou Yuyan's face also changed drastically. She changed her former high-cold look, and her sister's style changed.

Although listening to Lou Yuyan's remarks, it looks like Shan Caiyue is scolding Yunjian, but Lou Yuyan is different from Shan Caiyue. Lou Yuyan turned around and walked down the hillside.

"You're all here, I'll bring her back! Remember, no matter what happened to me, don't go down the mountain!"

Lou Yuyan tied her long hair scattered around her shoulders with a hair ring to form a high ponytail, and said she was going down the hillside.

Although she had a face all day long, and she didn't speak well, she felt as bad as Yun Cai about Shan Caiyue, but Lou Yuyan was really good for Yun Jian.

Otherwise, just like Shan Caiyue, she just stood up and said a few words that didn't make sense. Why go down the mountain and prepare to rush to a dangerous place to bring Yun Jian back.

"Wait a minute!" President Ma Zhixiang grabbed Lou Yuyan's hand that was about to go down the mountain. He looked at Yunjian a hundred meters away and spoke to Lou Yuyan and everyone:

"I saw it. She just snatched the machine gun from one of the black forces and was not found by anyone! Its speed is like a shock of lightning!

"What's more, she tells us that she is not an ordinary college student!

"We have to choose to believe her and watch it change!

"This cloud note is not easy!

"Let's not drag her now!"

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