Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2143: A thing that kills kills

This familiar tone, as always, crazy words

She is......

The tiger's eyes widened and he looked at Yunjian, his face suddenly changed.

Moshe has revenge on the tiger.

At least in the tiger's mind, treat Moshen as a character who gritted his teeth.

Because the God of God has destroyed the tiger's mission more than once, making the tiger fail in the mission. In his career, he has a lot of stains.

The international agent killer ranking is a list that changes from time to time. At the same time, the ranking on the list is also linked to the number of times a killer agent completes the task and the success rate.

The tiger who once destroyed his mission due to Moments of God, caused the mission to fail ten times, hovering in the third place in the killer ranking for many years.

In the end, Susan retreated for three or four years. Only with his own strength, the tiger squeezed the second killer on the killer list and won the second place on the killer list.

If it weren't for the multiple destructions that Moments once had, he can now even compete for the No. 1 spot on the killer rankings!

You need to know that the top spot of the international agent ranking and the international killer ranking is that the lowest price of each single task is bottomed at 100 million US dollars.

However, from the second rank of the international agent killer list and the subsequent rankings, the lowest price per task is at least double that of the first agent killer! And it goes down in layers.

In other words, if the lowest price of the first agent is 100 million US dollars, then the lowest price of the second agent will be 5,000 US dollars, which is doubled!

This is one reason why Shen Ji wants to surpass Yunjian.

Don't look at the lowest price for a single or two, and the lowest price for ordering, but the difference is huge!

Tigers are always cautious and love revenge, which is known to everyone on the road.

Therefore, he sees the Moments as a deadly enemy.

Before the death of Moshen, the tiger was not Ransom's opponent. When he heard the news of Moshen's death, the tiger almost rushed over when he learned of the whereabouts of the female corpse.

He wants to make the body of Moshen a thousand swords! Even if you die, you cannot be at peace!

Therefore, after the tiger determined that the person in the coffin was indeed the God of the God, he ordered his men to insult the God of the God on the spot, and planned to destroy the body of the God of God on the spot.

However, Tiger never expected that Yun Jian would jump out at this knot.

The words that stand out from Yunjian's mouth are similar to the scary woman who played with herself in the palm of his hand a few years ago!

I have to mention that even the second person in the international killer rankings such as Tigers, after listening to Yunjian's remarks that resemble the Moments of God's style, trembled suddenly in his heart, shivering.

Undoubtedly, if the **** is alive, the tiger would not dare to say what he said just now.

The tiger is rude, and it is good to have a brute force, but he always thinks about problems.

After hearing Yun Jian's words, although the tiger's heart nest was trembling like everyone standing next to him, he still would not confuse Yun Jian and Moshen.

What's more, seeing is believing, the body of Moshen is lying in front of them, this is true.

As for saying something like returning the dead, no one here would have thought of it.

Uncle's eyes slanted on Yun Jian, and the tiger looked at Yun Jian fiercely, yelling:

"The only person who dares to say this in front of Lao Tzu is only the goddess of Moshen. In addition, Lao Tzu is not afraid of anyone. Your young girl who is so stupid dare to say such a thing to Lao Tzu, is it because she has not seen this thing How did you die! "

With that said, the tiger stepped on the head of the scientific researcher who had just been killed by a single shot, as if treating a livestock animal, stepping on his head and shaking it twice.

Perhaps in the eyes of a group of tigers, human life is just a thing, killing kills.

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