Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2153: Xiumin was in a hurry to find it, but it was all red

Therefore, the men of Mylo and Envy will directly give up their dignity as men and kneel towards Yunjian!

When a man can even abandon his dignity and kneel down at a woman, there is only one reason. This woman has the power to scare them!

When foreigners spoke to Liu Mengyu with non-standard pronunciation of Chinese, this remark passed to Liu Mengyu, and everyone was shocked again.

"God! Kill at the age of eight? At the age of twelve, you can kill hundreds of people who are no less than a high-level killer like she crawled out of the dead pile in one breath?" Ye Ling was scared when he heard the foreigner's words His face changed.

Killing at the age of eight?

What was she doing when she was eight?

She is still in the arms of her parents! Beloved by your parents, beware of the baby!

"I heard that Sushen was turned into a killer organization at the age of five." After hearing Ye Ling's words, the foreigner added one more thing.

The foreigner added this sentence, just to let Ye Ling know that Sushen was turned into a killer organization at the age of five, and he should have killed at the age of five, not eight.

This made Ma Zhixiang and others take a breath

After killing Xianyu and Mi Luo, Yun Jian let everyone in the room take three hours of oblivion, and there was no killing.

It was a commemoration of the corpse of her previous life, not wanting to make it stained with blood.

As for the tiger, Yun Jian didn't touch him.

Even though the tiger wanted to put her to death, even at the first moment, she had to deal hard with her body.

But the tiger, she will use it in the future, so she does not kill.

The tiger's strength is indeed good, but he has a fatal weakness, that is, he is rough and easy to be grasped.

If Tiger is a very savvy and intelligent person, Yun Jian will not hesitate at this moment, and will take his life on the spot, but this crude, wild character is destined to Tiger, who will eventually be used by her.

The benefit of the tiger's death in exchange for her benefits and the death in her hands. The comparison between the two must be that the former has an advantage over her.

Fang Caiyu and Mi Luo ended, and everyone at the scene also saw it, so no one dared to resist Yun Jian, and drank the forgotten fluid for three hours, and passed out on the spot, no exception.

Even tigers dare not resist.

After these people passed out and woke up, what happened in the past three hours was forgotten.

Yun Zhi and other comatose Ma Zhixiang and others woke up and returned with them to Z Country River City.

Until they got on the plane, Ma Zhixiang and others were still wondering why they all fell into the tomb and what happened.

Asking Yun Jian, in return, she shrugged her shoulders, saying it was like she didn't know anything:

"I passed out too."

After spending three days in Jiangcheng, Yunjian lived a trinity life.

Schools, martial arts clubs, cafeterias, must go every day.

This morning, just after training the members of the martial arts community, Yun Jian left the martial arts community with the screams of "Ouch, Ouch!"

Back in the dormitory, Yun Jian heard Zhu Huili saying, "Yun Jian, a girl just came to you and said that she was a student from the nearby Jiangcheng Communication University, named Liang Xiumin, and looked like she was very anxious."

"Well, I'll take a look." Listening to this, Yun Jian nodded towards Zhu Huili, turned and left the bedroom again.

This area of ​​Jiangcheng is a university town with many universities. This is the first time Yunjian has come to Jiangcheng Communication University.

Jiangcheng Communication University is a world of art students, most of which are mainly art students, and their majors are basically related to art.

Liang Xiumin studied dance at Jiangcheng Media University. She was a student of dance. After Yun Jian entered Jiangcheng Media University, she asked the passing people directly for directions and found Liang Xiumin's classroom.

Standing at the gate, watching Liang Xiumin rehearsed dancing with a group of students in the classroom. She looked absent-minded and followed several dance moves with the wrong beats.

"Liang Xiumin, what are you doing! Our show is for the New Year's Day party! If you are in such a state, you will be ashamed of yourself, but you will be ashamed of us to be ashamed of you!"

A girl who led the dance hurriedly walked over to "snap" and closed the recorder that was dancing the dance music, and directly said this in public.

Before young girls and girls, as long as they do not touch their own interests, whoever points out the other is not, except for good friends, they are generally outspoken.

"Don't be angry!" The lead dancer girl was angry, and a group of girls surrounded her, as if the lead dancer girl had been hurt, and began to comfort the lead dancer girl one by one.

Liang Xiumin was too lazy to lose her young lady's temper at the time. She sighed, but happened to catch the Yunjian at the door accidentally ...

Leaving the dance room, Liang Xiumin ran Yunjian under a big tree. She was not afraid that Yunjian knew her affairs, and she whispered to Yunjian bluntly, "Yunjian, what should we do?"

Yun Jian remembered the last time she was on a bus, Liang Xiumin asked herself, her eyebrows frowned slightly: "And your current boyfriend?"

That little white face Jin Yu.

"No ... it's Mu Mu. Yesterday, I went out to play with you and drank a few drinks. When I woke up this morning, Mu Mu was lying beside me, and the sheets were all red ... .. "

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