Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2169: Making arrangements, shocking the audience

At this moment, members of the martial arts community have been waiting under the stage of admission. Seeing Yun Jian's slow future, he asked Mo Bufan in a slightly anxious tone:

"Vice President, why hasn't the President come yet?"

Will it be late? After all, she doesn't even wear makeup?

Members of the martial arts community asked questions worriedly.

Mo Bufan is the vice president of the martial arts association. This was decided by Yun Jian as the president of the martial arts association.

No member of the martial arts community has an opinion.

"According to our previous rehearsal sequence, if the president fails to catch up, the last set of ideas will be removed. If you catch up, you will play as usual, and Jun Tao and I will respond." Mo Bufan soon voiced out and arranged the plan.

At this point, everyone in the martial arts community answered.

"The wonderful" I'm a girl "dance performance has a variety of styles. Let's enjoy the martial arts performance brought by the martial arts club together. The applause is invited below!"

The supporter finished his speech by holding the microphone and stepped down from the applause.

In other words, it is the turn of the martial arts community ...

At that time, with the exception of the stage and the auditorium under the stage, Jiangcheng University of Electronic Technology rarely saw people moving around the rest of the school.

Outside the school, a Lamborghini sports car braked at the gate of Jiangcheng University of Electronic Science and Technology. It could scare the sleepy doorman and sit up in shock. It looked like "who am I, where am I". .

Sidi, who parked the car outside the school gate, walked to the door guard with his slender thigh and knocked on the window of the door guard room.

The doorman opened the windows and doors vaguely: "Who? Do you know I'm sleeping?"

"Where's the New Year's Eve party?" Sidi asked with a thin lips.

Xu's voice was too magnetic and nice, and the doorman was awake for a moment.

"Oh, go there!" The guard pointed to the direction of the school's New Year's Eve party. "Go straight there, turn left when you see a red building, and go straight for about 300 meters."

"Thank you very much." Si Yi thanked him expressionlessly, Xin Chang's figure walked away.

At this moment, the guard was awake a lot, and when seeing Si Yi going to the distance, the guard shook his head cheerfully and laughed a little.

I really don't know who these handsome boys are coming to from their school.

That girl is so blessed!

Thinking about it, the doorman continued to lie on the table and whimpered ...

Members of the martial arts community are on stage.

The members of the martial arts performance just came out, because the martial arts clothing that is different from the usual year has made the students, teachers and judges under the eyes shine.

Yunjian only changed the white martial arts pants for girls into skirt styles, but at this moment the boys are wearing unchanging black martial arts clothes, the girls are wearing unchanging white martial arts clothes, and the lower bodies are modified martial arts skirts.

The matching of men's and girls' clothes has become a unique scenery.

Of course, due to the boring martial arts performances of previous years, the audience at the scene watched the martial arts performance with no expectation.

When you see this novel change, you feel completely different from seeing the novel change in dance.

When the audience felt a slight change, sometimes they were cheerful, but the joy was mixed with exciting blood. I do n’t know why the spirit is fighting, and they seemed to be standing in a pile of corpses, stepping on piles of corpses to become the peak figures. The sound of the illusion's song passed through the audience.

Accompanying the accompaniment, the singing sounds as good as the sound of nature seem to freeze people's heart strings here.

Everyone at the scene listened to the song for the first time, and they all stayed on the spot fiercely.

This wonderful sound, coupled with the melody, gives people an extremely **** shock.

"My God, this song made my whole blood surging! As if I was the king! What song is this? Which singer sang it? I have never heard of it before, I want to buy a record of this song ! "

Just below the stage, waiting to see Cai Huiling who was ugly in the martial arts community, someone cried out excitedly when they heard the song of this song.

At this point, Cai Huiling, who had originally comforted the martial arts community, only occasionally came up with new tricks.

"I heard that this song was originally created by the new president of the martial arts community! Make your own music and sing! Whether it's accompaniment or sound, it's so **** awesome!"

"Oh my god! It ’s true! The new president of this martial arts club is too good! Whatever! The martial arts club can get talents like the new president, which is good luck for a lot of life!

The murmurs of people around, listening to Cai Huiling's ears, were like being beaten hard with a stick a few times on the head.

She opened her mouth unbelievably, and then ripped the corners of her mouth, and continued to speak to Zhuo Hanhan who was standing next to her:

"She's original? Yun Jian will also make music arrangements by herself !?"

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