Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2195: Or take you, try your hand

Outside the villa, Yunjian washed with ice-cold water for a while returned to the house after a while.

In fact, Yun Jian had nothing to do. After soaking her body in the Shenquan of the Shentian Continent for 666 days, even minor knife and gunshot wounds could heal automatically in the shortest time.

As for the laver soup about 100 ° just poured down, and fell on Yun Jian's hand, she didn't even feel a little pain.

It's just that there is some stickiness in the hands, nothing more.

Even when Qin Yirou was scared to grab Yun Jian's hand and went to the faucet to rinse it with ice-cold ice water, I saw Yun Jian's hand without even a trace of redness and scalding, and couldn't help but make a fuss:

"The seaweed soup just poured out so hot, why don't you have any trace of burns on your hand ..."

"Mom." When washing the back of his scalded part with cold water, Yun Jian stretched out his index finger and placed it on his lips, making a "shh" gesture.

Seeing this, Qin Yirou closed his mouth and said nothing.

When entering the villa, Yun Jian deliberately covered his hands, as if he was really hot and intolerable.

"Jun Jian, are you okay?" Father Ge took a soft look at Ge Jun Jian and asked aloud.

Naturally, I asked Yun Jian if he was okay.

No matter what the truth is, at least for now, the position of the chairman of Xinqi is in Yunjian's hands.

And after knowing that the chairman of Xinqi Company was Yun Jian, but it was suspected that it was Ge Junjian, Mr. Ge's title to Ge Junjian changed.

"Most of the soup fell on the down jacket of the arm, and there were few hot places on the hand. It was okay. When I returned at night, I went to the store outside to buy an ice cube and applied it, and it would be swollen tomorrow." Ge Junjian responded to Mr. Ge.

"What? Jun Jian, don't you stay at the Ge's house for the night?" After listening to Ge Jun Jian's words, Father Ge twisted his eyebrows and made a noise.

The transformation of Mr. Ge was noticed by everyone present.

How did Father Ge treat the Ge Junjian and Qin Yi's gentleness, and how obvious his transformation is at this moment.

"That grandpa wants me to take my wife and my children to stay in the Ge's house for one night." Ge Junjian responded in public to Grandpa Ge.

Ge Junjian said this in a disguised way, asking Grandpa Ge, if you accept my wife and children, if you do not accept, then there is no need to stay.

"This ..." Father Ge was silent.

A savvy person like Mr. Ge, naturally understood the meaning of what Ge Junjian said.

Now, if he agrees, it means that he must accept the Yunjian three.

But if you think about it carefully, if Ge Junjian, the unsuccessful grandson, gave Yunjian his hard-working new start-up company, if he didn't find an opportunity to talk with him in private, he wouldn't be happy!

So Mr. Ge kept talking and responding: "It's all one family, what else do you say!"

Qin Yirou was really glad to hear this sentence, and she was also relieved.

In fact, before coming, Ge Junjian told the Yunjian three people that this old Ge had a temper.

Typical old-fashioned antiques and feudal ideology, and the only thing that allows Ge Ge to make concessions is an international company with greater power than the Ge family.

Mr. Ge, who respects the strong, is also in awe of his higher status than his Ge family.

So it was said at that time that if Mr. Ge repeatedly refused to concede, it would appear that Yunjian was the chairman of Xinqi Company.

Facts have proved that Ge Junjian knows very much about how Master Ge is, and Master Ge does not live up to expectations. When Yun Jian burst out of power, he repeatedly made concessions.

Since Mr. Ge opened this mouth, then Ge Junjian naturally left the three with Yun Jian.

After all, whether it is Ge Junjian or Qin Yirou, they essentially want to communicate with the Ge family.

Reconciliation can't be better.

After knowing that Yunjian would stay, the tiger and Thunder had no suspense and chose to stay in the Ge family. The reason was that they had to talk to Master Ge at night. There were some business matters.

As long as mentioning the business is beneficial to him, needless to say, Mr. Ge agreed directly.

In the afternoon, Ge Feng took Yunjian to visit the courtyard of the Ge family.

The Ge family's Yamato luxury is worthy of the name.

There is not only a special training field, but also an archery field for archery, a shooting range for pistol practice, and a swimming pool.

On the building built by the Ge family, it is the only six-star hotel in the world, and the six-star Empire Hotel in Brunei has been withdrawn.

At that time, when Ge Feng took Yunjian to visit and admire everywhere, a group of Ge Zihao, including Ge Ling, who exercised in the training ground in the morning followed all the way.

In fact, Mr. Ge is still not sure whether the new company is Ge Junjian or Yunjian, so in order to avoid mistakes, let the juniors of the Ge family all follow Yunjian and let them have a good relationship with Yunjian.

Therefore, Ge Ling and others reluctantly followed.

At the shooting range, Ge Zihao and others went to shoot again.

Seeing this, Ge Ling couldn't help but signal Yun Jian: "Aren't you very good at the training ground before, would you play a gun? Will you shoot? Would you like my brother to teach you, take you to try Hand. "

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