Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2202: I do n’t want to come together, I want to leave

After Ge Junjian escaped from danger, he stunned, but he quickly reacted, holding Qin Yirou and running in the direction of the crowd.

In order to avoid accidents, Ge Junjian ran out of energy this time to run safely.

Knowing Yun Jian's identity, Ge Junjian was not afraid of Yun Jian's accident.

But Ge Junjian was afraid that his strength was insufficient to protect Qin Yirou, so he quickly held Qin Yirou and came to a safe tunnel.

At that time, all the people around him kept the same sacrifice. They stared at the old villa that was so flaming and saw Ge Junjian quickly escape to the safe area and did not rush to run. The pair were originally dark. His eyes seemed to be clouded by the yellow-red sky, and became scarlet, moving slowly towards this side.

The slow steps, one step, two steps on the ground.

Yun Jian's pair of eyes that were scarred by the blaze of fire was extremely eye-catching.

Everyone at the scene saw her eyes that were red with the flames, and coupled with the towering flames behind them, it seemed as if she had seen the **** of death strolling from the sea of ​​fire in Shura hell, that scary step, slow Stop everyone breathing.

"She ... she just broke the cement wall with one kick! Did I read it wrong! She just broke the huge cement wall with a meter just one kick!

"Shouldn't her feet be made of stones! My mother! Shouldn't I be dreaming! Is this true or false ..."

When someone saw the scene in front of them, his face changed suddenly, and he was shocked.

The performance of the circus of others, what iron head work is broken, the strength used is at most a piece of stone the size of a brick.

But the collapsed concrete wall is one meter long!

How strong Yunjian should be before he can break it!

At this moment, not only was the shocked stunned wooden chicken's uncle watching this scene.

Earlier, Ge Zihao, who did not believe Yun Jian's ability, looked at the scene in front of him. He shook his head in a loss, trying to say something, but opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

Even Ge Ling, who had been paying attention to Ge Junjian, turned his eyes to Yun Jian's body at this moment, and his face was scared beyond recognition.

Such a cloud note is too scary!

At this moment, it is said that Yunjian is the devil from hell, and none of them are unbelievable.

"My mom is too scary, is she really human ..." Someone was so frightened that his face changed sharply, and he asked in surprise.

At that time, facing the old villa that started to completely collapse behind, and facing the blazing fire that was three or four stories high behind, she came to the crowd.

Everyone at the scene saw Yun Jian coming in front of them, all of them changed their faces fiercely, and then, like some river beasts, they gave Yun Jian a quick way to Qin Yirou.

By then Yunjian had come to Ge Junjian holding Qin Yirou.

"She's okay, she's just fainted. This medicine should have little medicine. I took her to the hospital." Ge Junjian said, holding Qin Yirou again.

There were several places on his body that were bruised by the blazing fire when he entered the old villa just now, but he couldn't even feel the pain of the bruised wounds on his body, but quickly hurled Qin Yirou horizontally again, saying I decided to send Qin Yirou to the hospital.

Yun Yi saw this and hurried over to take Qin Yirou to the hospital overnight.

The medicine is not great, but Qin Yirou is still pregnant with her child, and everything needs to be handled with caution.

Yun Jian watched Ge Junjian and Yun Yi take Qin Yirou safely away.

In this regard, she turned silently.

At this time, everyone found that although Yun Jian rushed into the old villa like Ge Junjian, there was no trace of abrasions on her body.

Combine that with Yun Jian.

We can infer the strength of Yun Jian, that is, walking in the blazing fire, can be flexible!

At the moment when everyone was astonished, everyone saw the sharp cold eyes of Yun Jian standing in front of them, and turned sharply, she pursed her lips, and suddenly made a noise in a hidden shadow in the public. :

"Two people, why don't you come out and get together and just want to leave silently?"

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