Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2211: It was me who killed him

At that time, Yun Jian had just taken the seat with everyone.

Everyone in the Ge family also sat on this long, long table that could accommodate dozens of people at a time without being crowded.

Mr. Ge was so distracted and shouted these words at breakfast time, which was never before.

At that time, everyone in the audience who heard the death of the tiger stopped for a moment.

Listening to this, even Ge Ling, who had been watching Ge Junjian secretly, cut a steak from his bowl, was suddenly taken a sigh of relief by the cooked steak.

After listening to Mr. Ge, Ge Ling shouted in horror: "Dead? Dead? Yesterday the person died? I remember that person seemed to be the culprit who kidnapped the woman. He died, this ... .. "

That woman refers to Qin Yirou.

Ge Ling said, and glanced at Yun Jian.

But when Yun Jian cut the steak very calmly, chewed slowly and swallowed his lower abdomen, and if nothing happened.

When she heard what Ge Ling said, she neither admitted nor denied.

But it was this ambiguous feeling that gave everyone present a sense of panic.

Wasn't Yunjian doing this?

"Kekekee! Eat and eat!" Father Ge was so addicted to reading the newspaper just now that he didn't even know that the breakfast at his table had been brought to the table by the maid.

Father Ge had such a reaction, of course, he already had a hint of anticipation.

Although Yun Jian did not kill the tiger in public ...

But who knows, did she go out and kill the tiger last night?

Father Ge is not terrified.

After all, Father Ge is also a veteran who has participated in the Anti-Japanese War. It is not surprising that he has seen countless dead people.

But Mr. Ge was shocked that the second tiger in the international killer list was killed!

In addition, the newspaper reported that the death of the tiger was only caused by the explosion of the car.


Well, how so clever, just after the tiger provokes Yun Jian, he hurriedly fled the scene after wasting one hand, and the car exploded.

The sound of "嘭" sounded, and the attention of Master Ge, who was still thinking about the problem, suddenly brought back God.

At this point, Mr. Ge shuddered in shock.

When she returned to her mind, she saw that Yun Jian had stood up, and she smashed her plate on the dining table, and threw a violent sound on purpose.

The steak on this plate has been eaten by Yun Jian.

Grandpa Ge, who had just heard the noise just now, was so scared that he quickly looked up and looked at Yun Jian, only to see Yun Jian's eyes moved slightly, and he had already pointed her sharp eyes to him.

Father Ge swallowed two mouthfuls, and then looked at Yunjian and said, "You ..."

"Old man, you don't need to say more. The villa went out yesterday. You called my dad to ask who the new startup company is, I already know.

"Why want to know such a thing, why bother to yell at my dad secretly and scold him for being filial.

"This kind of thing, just ask me.

"And now, I can tell you plainly that Xinqi Company was founded by me, and the president of Xinqi Company is my subordinate! Everything I do on behalf of the president of Xinqi Company at the event is me. You are manipulating. "

Yun Jian's words rang suddenly, and at the same time there was a wave of fluctuations in the hearts of everyone present.

Xinqi company, is she really?

If Yun Jian said these words yesterday, everyone present would certainly not believe it.

But after going through the series of events last night, everyone at the scene could not believe that Yunjian was the chairman of Xinqi Company.

At the moment everyone was stunned, Yun Jian said again:

"So when it comes to family history, your Ge family is worthy of talking to a noble person like my mother! My father wants to get away from your Ge family, and I agree very much.

Having said that, there was another shock in everyone's mind.

Of course, this is not over yet. After the crowd had calmed down this shock, another wave rolled up again.

In front of everyone present, Yun Jian faced Master Ge's eyes. She suddenly drew an arc, her eyes moved, her mouth rose, and she said something like this:

"I might as well tell you that the tiger was indeed killed by a grenade."

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