Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2213: Lan Su, her little happiness

Yun Jian had not responded yet, and she was kissed on the door by Madam.

By then, her blouse was gone ...

Si Yi was really anxious for the monkey. After he took off her clothes, he didn't even wait to hold her to the bed, and reached the door panel.

"Brother Si Yi! Sister! Sister Lan Su let us call you to the fireworks show! It's fun! There are so many fun and delicious things! And lollipops! Corn sausage! Barbecue and roast duck neck! It's up! "

Just as Si Yi's eroticism was getting strong, and just about to enter the last moment, Xiao Yunzhu took the lead in the footsteps running up the stairs, and the shout came first.

This prevented Si Yi from going further.

Si Yi frowned fiercely.

At this moment, Sidi pressed Yun Jian on the door.

Yun Jian breathed, and he could even feel his craving.

"You go first." At this time, Si Yijunmei's face moved slightly. He looked at Yun Jian's delicate little face and said something in a sullen tone.

The three Xiaoyunzhu who had come to the door also reached out and knocked on the door with a small hand, and refused to leave:

"Brother Si Yi is coming out with her sister soon! Come out soon! The fireworks show is about to start! Brother and Sister Si Yi have not taken off their clothes and changed their pajamas to sleep, come out soon!"

This time it was Duan Ya who spoke.

After two or three years, Duan Ya, who had been intimidated and afraid to speak, had grown a lot.

After listening to Duan Ya's words, Yun Jian: "..."

It's true that she didn't change clothes, but took off.

The meaning of the three little guys at the door was that they would not leave until Yunjian and Siyi came out. Finally, Yiyi took out the killer: "Go downstairs, otherwise don't want to buy snacks."

"Ah! Hurry up! Let's go downstairs! What Brother Syi said was never deceiving! If we don't go downstairs, we will have no snacks!"

After listening to Si Yi's words, the three Xiaoyunzhu hurried to the speed with the fire of the rocket launch, and hurriedly ran downstairs. The speed was called fast.

Yunjian: "..."

After Xiaoyun Zhu went downstairs, Si Yi stared at her while slowly putting on her clothes one by one, which made Yun Jian's face red.

Until after going downstairs, Yu Jian was left on Yun Jian's cheeks.

"Hey! Jian Jian! We haven't been out together for a long time, let's go together!" Lan Su pushed the little Zhou Yiran into Adam's arms, and ran to Yun Jian to hold Yun Jian's hand. Go out.

Just now Lan Su was thinking of taking Zhou Yiran.

Later, I thought about giving these little things to Adam and playing with Yunjian himself.

Adam, who was plugged into Zhou Yiran's arms, said nothing: "..."

He was still thinking about bringing Lansu out for a stroll by himself this evening, leaving Zhou Yiran at home for Qin Yirou to take care of it, but what is the situation now?

"Xiaozhu, Xiaolizi, Yaya, the three of you will follow them, and they will buy delicious and fun for you! Haha ~ Your sister and sister Lan Su don't have the money, they need to keep up!"

Lan Su's indifferent towards Xiao Yunzhu pointed at Adam and Si Yi with three fingers, and took Yun Jian's shoulders to go out.

That way, obviously, he wanted to "abandon" Stewart.

Before waiting for Si Yi and Adam to refute, Lan Su spit out his tongue at Adam and ran out of Yunjian.

Temple fair, snack street.

Lan Su took Yunjian to buy a lot of snacks, and while eating, she also vomited:

"Since the birth of Zhou Yiran, I have n’t eaten and drank for a long time, but it ’s ridiculous, and Zhou Yiran ’s old man, who controls me every day, ca n’t eat this, ca n’t eat that, It's all junk food, and I want to kick him in the annoyance. "

Although Lan Su said something like this, Yun Jian could see the overflowing happiness from her face.

However, just after Lan Su said, Yun Jian saw Lan Su standing behind and listening to Lan Su's face was dark and dull. I wondered when Adam came up and cried and cried Zhou Yiran, and said to Lan Su: "You want Who did you kill? You are my woman in this life, and the children are born, and you want to run? I tell you, no way! "

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