Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2214: Ye Lingwei, in the hot spring

Zhou Yiran cried, Lan Su glanced at Adam fiercely again, and then brought Zhou Yiran's little cute back from Adam's arms, and in the middle he passed the spicy to Adam and let Adam take it for himself.

Finally, the bowl of hot and spicy food was held in Adam's hand, and Adam had to feed the blue vegetarian ...

Celadon and Yun Yi are regarded as love couples. The relationship between the two is no different from that of ordinary couples. The only difference is that celadon does not coquettish and uses poison.

Morson was very serious. He took Luoberry around and didn't do anything shy.

Luo Bing is also the young lady from a wealthy family. She blushed with cheeks and followed Moson, all the way ...

At that time, Country R, ​​the Holy Land Hot Spring Hotel.

Since Ye Ling left home and walked around with Wei Wei, from time to time, Wei Wei organized from the dark soul to take her around the world to travel and travel.

Sometimes we have to deal with some dark soul organizations, and Wei Wei also takes Ye Ling together.

Today, after Wei Wei handled the dark soul organization, she took her to R country to travel.

Country R is one of the most typical volcanic countries in the world.

As a result, many hot springs emerged due to geothermal heat.

There are more than 3,000 hot springs with accommodation facilities alone, and this number is constantly increasing.

Hot springs have become an integral part of the lives of people in R countries.

Therefore, the hot spring of country R is very famous.

At that time, Ye Ling was soaking in the hot spring of a hot spring hotel in country R.

The hot springs of this restaurant have been contracted by Wei Wei, so even inside and outside, even the owner of the restaurant has disappeared.

At that time, Ye Ling was soaking in the open-air hot spring, soaking the starting position of his mouth in the hot spring, imaginative.

Since that day, her mother Ji Qinqin said that she wanted to flee from Wei Wei, and Wei Wei was angry and wanted her. Ye Ling and Wei Wei have been out for so long.

Come out and stay in the hotel together, and Wei Wei has two rooms, two rooms next to each other, not even living in one, let alone any other intimate move.

Things like love come too fast. Ye Ling finds that she has fallen in love with Wei Wei unconsciously, so now Ye Ling really wants something to happen ...

Wu Wei was in the hot spring next door to Ye Ling at this time, and there were several large rocks in the middle, nothing else.

The surroundings were quiet because the guests in the hotel and even the owner of the hotel had been driven away by Wei Wei.

Ye Ling felt that she would breathe a little deeper and breathe a little bit.

So Ye Ling unconsciously lightened his breathing.

About ten minutes later, Ye Ling planned to stand up from the hot spring.

It's been so long enough that it's time to go back.

But Ye Ling just got up, because she was still thinking about things, she slipped under her feet, and the whole person suddenly slipped into the spring water of the hot spring.

"Ah!" Ye Ling screamed involuntarily just before the whole person was buried in the spring water of this hot spring.

With this sound, Ye Ling slid into the hot spring with a chest full of people.

The scream just fell shortly after it sounded, and Ye Ling hadn't tried to stand up before, but she saw someone on the water enter the hot spring and pulled her up from the hot spring.

Ye Ling was frightened, she almost became the first person who strangled in the hot spring that was not deep ...

After Ye Ling's reaction came, she was already hugged by Xi Wei in her arms.

And he is also smooth.

Ye Ling was startled, and she hurriedly shoved Tui Wei: "I'm fine, you ..."

"But I'm fine." Wei Wei still spoke in his heavy male voice.

This resounded, across the water, Ye Ling could even feel that Wei Wei was swollen somewhere.

However, in the next second, Xi Wei held Ye Ling up, walked out of the hot spring by taking advantage of her long legs, then picked up a bathrobe and put it on the two of them, and walked to the hotel room.

"Let's have a baby then"

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