Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2218: Poor Adam, I'll wash it later

As if to understand that he was upset at the little boy Zhou Yiran, instead of stopping his mouth, Adam talked more exaggeratedly:

"I heard that at first it was seen by a sweeping aunt. The sweeping aunt thought that the little girl was raped by a wretched man, and rushed to a rescue team with a group of people.

"I didn't expect it to be a little couple haha! I heard that the little couple was really good, and they started a field battle under the bridge where so many people could pass. It is said that some people even saw them start taking off their clothes. It's ... "

Adam really didn't cover his mouth, but the children present didn't understand it. The three Yunzhu took care of themselves faster than whoever ate, so Adam's mouth would be nothing.

But what happened was the unobstructed object of Adam's mouth, which was ...

"Adam, start tomorrow, to complete the Amazon Forest Special Training with the highest difficulty in the 3S level in the organization. You will not be allowed to return after the training." Adam hasn't waited for the words to be jokingly finished. It suddenly sounded.

Adam's face, which was still hippie, smiled for a moment. He glanced at Si Yi, and stopped the words he said just now: "Hah? Why do you want to be a master?"

Well, why should he let him complete the Amazon forest training with the highest difficulty in the 3S level in the organization?

To know that the most difficult special training at the 3S level in the organization, even Wei Wei must spend two months to complete it.

he? what! It will take at least half a year to complete! Even faster, it will take five months!

"No, I ’m the master, so I was dispatched to the Amazon Forest to complete the 3S-level highest difficulty training for the organization? I ’m stunned again? The little couple I just talked about is not you and the young man ... "

Adam had just spoken here, and suddenly stopped in time.

When thinking about what he said just now, Sidi suddenly became angry.

Could it be ...

"Isn't that couple playing field battle under the bridge ..." Adam was not stupid, and thought of this immediately, he stopped here, then raised his eyes and looked at Sidi.

"Kekekeke! Little master, that I said nothing, you don't send me to that ghost place in the Amazon forest, otherwise Mosen would think I thought of eating and sleeping, right? Mosen!"

Adam frowned at Moson, and he meant to ask Moson for help.

I didn't know Mosen calmly replied, "It has nothing to do with me."

Adam: "..." Hey, how can there be such a pitman!

Although in the end, Sidi didn't really send Adam to the Amazon forest, but Adam and Zhou Yiran later grabbed blue pigment. As a result, not only was Zhou Yiran's handsome man scratching his handsome face with long fingernails, he was also punished by blue pigment. On the ground floor, I could n’t sleep with the jade body overnight

R country holy land hot spring hotel.

Until the early morning, Ye Lingwo, who was let by Wei Wei, was in a warm blanket.

There was a gurgling sound of water in the bathroom, and Wei Wei was taking a bath.

Although this is not the first time for two people, Ye Ling buried in the quilt shyly, and he was afraid to look up.

"Do you want to take a bath?" It wasn't until three minutes later that the rattling in the bathroom stopped, and Ye Ling felt a mellow voice ringing from above the white quilt covering her head.

Needless to say it must be him.

Ye Ling nodded cautiously, then got up, and just wanted to get dressed, was grabbed by Wei Wei and pulled out of the bed.

Ye Ling shyly wanted to find something to cover her body, but she looked up and saw that Wei Wei was staring at herself. She wanted to pull her hand back from Wei Wei's hand and said weakly:

"I'll do it myself ..."

"I'll wash it later." Ye Ling just finished saying this, and Wei Wei looked at her, and suddenly said it again.

After the words were finished, Ye Ling didn't respond to what Wei Wei meant, and he had already pressed her to the edge of the bed again by virtue of his height advantage and strength advantage ...

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