Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2224: Journalists, surrounded by interviews

Everyone in the martial arts community heard Yun Jian's words. Although they did not know what Yun Jian said, they all nodded.

"Staying at such a party for an hour is something I never dreamed of before, rest assured, I will definitely leave the scene at seven o'clock!"

"me too!"

"Yes, the president does not need to explain. What the president says is what we do! We just follow the instructions!"

After listening to Yun Jian's words, the members of the martial arts community all spoke out in unison.

Yun Jian squinted at this, and finally glanced lightly.

That's how the morning passed.

The sky in Jiangcheng is still as clear as the streets where people come and go are still noisy.

But all this seems to be the eve of the storm.

Yun Jian just came out of the martial arts community and walked towards the school's bedroom building, but suddenly he saw a large group of people surrounded by his girl's bedroom, and noisily said he was going to enter the girl's bedroom.

The group of people held the microphone in their hands and pushed and shoved into the girl's dormitory building in Yunjian, but was stopped by the aunty and the teachers who came later in front of the girl's dormitory building.

Next to him were a few men carrying imported cameras.

Seeing this scene, it is not difficult to guess that the group of men and women who pushed and shoved into the bedroom of the girls, holding microphones in their hands, chattering in their mouths, are journalists from major media.

In Z of 2003, journalists have already prevailed.

However, compared with the present, when the reporters interviewed the people at that time, the pictures shot through the camera or live broadcast were far less clear now.

And most of the cameras are imported from abroad. There is no such technology in China that can produce cameras with quality standards.

As for journalists, as long as they are personally aware, their job is to interview, but the person to be interviewed must naturally be different or different.

Whether it's an interviewer or an event, this person or this thing must be surprising, the better it can get people's attention.

As the saying goes, this means that where strange people or things happen, these journalists will rush to rush there.

Some reports, such as someone who has six fingers after being born, or someone who has lived in a cave for several decades and turned into a savage, are all news that journalists ran to pick it up.

Then describe the exaggeration a bit, write an exaggerated and striking headline, and publish it in the newspaper. The reading volume is high, and the journalist's income will be awarded by the company.

So in order for these news reporters to catch some big headlines, that is really a fatal one.

Just as now, the group of reporters desperately trying to squeeze into the girl's dormitory building holding the microphone, but it is useless to be stopped by the bed tube and the teacher.

"I heard that a girl from your school rushed to the stage during the performance of the New Year's Day party in the middle of the New Year's Day, and achieved a dozen flips in one breath. At that time, the audience was shocked. The girl should live in this dormitory? Let me go in and interview her? "

This is the inquiry from a female journalist.

"The girl rushed to the stage during the performance of the New Year's Day party. It happened that someone brought a camera to rush her to the stage, and the whole process of the flip was recorded. Could you let us interview her how to perfect herself Skill! "

"I only need ten minutes and I delay that little girl for ten minutes ..."


This group of reporters held the microphone and shoved to squeeze into the girl's dormitory. The mighty scene was never experienced by Jiangcheng University of Electronic Technology.

In this regard, the students passing by on campus could not help but stop and looked at the scene in front of them, as if wondering what was happening here.

"Our school has the right to protect the personal safety of students, please come back!" A group of teachers blocked the reporter who wanted to rush into the girl's bedroom building, and said this very solemnly.

It turned out that Yun Jian rushed to the stage on the New Year's Day performance on the same day, and did a dozen of some flips that did not match her age, and was just recorded by the camera brought by her at home.

Mobile phones of this era cannot record videos, and cameras are only available to a few people.

Because that is a high-end gadget that needs to be imported from abroad!

After seeing that video, reporters from the news media rushed here to interview Yunjian.

After all, there has been no big news for a long time recently. Suddenly, I caught such a big news. Of course, these reporters will not let go.

Yun Jian frowned, and didn't like being interviewed.

She took a detour, and when she just wanted to go around the road and climbed the wall directly from the back of the girl's bedroom building, someone suddenly saw her, screaming at the back she wanted to leave:

"She, she, she, she! That's the girl, that's the girl who twitched a dozen in a martial arts show that night!"

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