Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2234: Unforgettable lifetime, one night

"The ancient killing mercenary regiment! The ancient killing mercenary regiment are here? Oh my god!"

"Don't be shocked. The international big names, directors of multinational corporations, international trade groups, business politicians and so on are all just small roles! The real big names haven't appeared yet tonight!"

The two people standing next to each other were talking each other.

And of the two people standing next, one of them was putting his lips in the ears of the other, muttering loudly, for fear that the people standing next could not hear him.

At that time, people around did hear the loud murmur of this person, but at this time, no one blame this person to get in the ears of others, should have whispered, but said a loud voice.

Cai Huiling and Cai Yiliang were also attracted by the voices of the two. Suddenly, Cai Huiling and Cai Yiliang shut up and said nothing.

And the person who knew some of the details tonight came to the ears of the other, and saw everyone around him looking at himself, he was even more perplexed, and he was doing a whispering motion to others, but the words that came out Just like being filtered by a big speaker, it spreads very loudly throughout the audience:

"I heard that underground organizations such as the Ancient Killing Mercenary Regiment are really coming tonight! Even some big names like international agent killers will come to the scene!

"But ah! Such a big man appeared on the scene, but it won't come upright. Maybe this conference party, an inconspicuous person walking next to you, is a special agent, what a killer on the list!"

The man said aloud, while making horrible gestures and expressions on his companions, while turning slightly to see the reaction of a group of people around him.

Obviously, after this person said these words, some people of the white road forces next to him turned dark for a few moments, apparently a frightened look.

This person probably knows only that, so there is nothing more to say after this.

At that time, after listening to this man's words, Cai Huiling folded her clothes. She was frightened and stretched her father's sleeve, and then trembled loudly:

"Dad, will the killer agent still be an ordinary person? Like the killer agent shown in the movie? Will there be such a scary person at the party?"

Cai Yiliang himself had never seen such a scene, and at that time he was also frightened with a look of embarrassment. His daughter Cai Huiling pulled the sleeves, Cai Yiliang looked squarely, and after three seconds, he reacted.

There was a slight sweat on his forehead. In order to prevent the people around him from seeing his panic at the moment, Cai Yiliang swallowed two severely, and then pretended to calm and calm Cai Huiling:

"Hui Ling, do you have a dad to protect you! What are you afraid of? Besides, the people who really should be scared should be those who come to the party venue by themselves, without the accompanying parents!"

Speaking, Cai Yiliang's eyes still looked like the vanishing Chao Yunjian and Jian Ning.

Cai Yiliang's remarks were obviously from Yun Jian and Jian Ning.

After hearing this, Yunjian hooked and sneered.

"Tonight you can get a life-long unforgettable night." Yun Jian suddenly made a whispering remark to Cai Yiliang and Cai Huiling.

Then, Yun Jian and Jian Ning beckoned, and they went to the side first.

"Cut! What's the air! I thought I was so good!" After listening to Yun Jian, Cai Huiling twitched his lips and slanted away toward Yun Jian.

When Cai Huiling slanted a scornful glance in the direction that Yun Jian went away, she suddenly glimpsed the direction in which Yun Jian went, which was Zhang Zhifan, the boss of Falcon Hall in Zhejiang Province, and chairman of Xinqi Company ... ..

And the snake elder elders of the ancient mercenary regiment!

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