Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2250: Come here and stop them

"Have you forgotten that you will be released from prison in a few days? I will visit you instead of your daughter." Yun Jian ticked off, and she walked not far away, looking out from the glass across Duan Shi, and said .

After hearing that he was about to get out of jail, Duan Shi froze fiercely, then he suddenly laughed aloud.

Without the violent gas that had just arrived in jail, Duan Shi was quite serious.

Xu is because he hasn't drunk alcohol these years. The old decadent, domestic violence Duan Li and Duan Ya men have disappeared.

After laughing aloud, Duan Shi sighed, then shook his head, but also knew the purpose of Yun Jian's trip.

"Well, if you're here for Duan Li and Duan Ya, then you can go back. I've been rehabilitated. I won't interfere with their happy lives now after I leave prison.

"I am not a competent father. I spent two years in prison and I have figured out these things. It was my fault at first and I did something like domestic violence ...

"In fact, when the mother of the two children was still alive, they were also my flesh and blood, baby!"

Duan Shi is so handsome that he is a natural pair with Duan Li and Duan Ya's mother.

Later, Duan Li and Duan Ya's mother went early, Duan Shi fell and became a little white face raised by a rich woman. Not only that, he also drunk and beat Duan Li and Duan Ya.

But after spending two years in prison, Duan Shicai really realized his mistake. He regretted it ...

Speaking of which, Duan Shi wiped a tear that was about to drip from the bottom of his eyes. That one was no longer handsome, with an old-looking face, and the wrinkles deepened again by two.

"These two years have taught me a lot of truth. After I leave prison, I will not interfere with their lives."

Then, Duan Shi suddenly stood up and bowed deeply towards Yun Jian.

This is from an incompetent father. After expressing regret, he expressed his most sincere thanks to Yun Jian.

Without Yunjian and the most appropriate education at the police station, he still has no idea what he was doing wrong.

"Thank you! Your kindness, if I can return in my life, I will return even if I pay the price of my life! My two children ...

"I hope you can treat them well and make them forget my incompetent father and live again!"

This is the last sentence Duan Shi said to Yun Jian.

Having said this, Yun Jian ended his conversation with Duan Shi.

Yun Jian came here to confirm whether Duan Shi and Duan Li would still find trouble after Duan Shi was released from prison.

However, in the words of Duan Shi, it seems that he will no longer find trouble with Duan Li and Duan Ya.

Just out of here, Yun Jian saw Yi Qingqing who had just visited her boyfriend.

"Yunjian, here and here!" Yi Qingqing waved to Yunjian and walked over, she showed a slightly bitter smile towards Yunjian, and then continued:

"We don't know if we will meet again in the future. Let's go to a nearby tea shop.

"Oh, I'm already very happy! At least I can come to see him when I miss him!"

Having said that, Yi Qingqing left Yunjian here and walked to a tea shop not far away.

It was only a short time after I walked out of the police station. When I encountered a place without people for a week or so, suddenly a large group of people were swooped in from behind.

This large group of people looked like little punks, and they also held iron bars, wooden sticks and the like in their hands.

After taking the lead to take out Yi Qingqing and Yun Jian, the leader shook his body and walked to Yun Jian and Yi Qingqing. He stopped in front of Yi Qingqing with a sullen face and waved an iron rod, loudly:

"Oh my little cousin, I finally got the chance to seize you! Huh! Your boyfriend dared to kill our brother! Now you are finished without your boyfriend's protection!"

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