Jie Wei had just stepped out of Horace's ward after Yun Jian, but because of unwillingness, and the urging of Eva and a group of people with him, he had already tried to contact another person who was not critical. The fox hunting organization that will go to contact first-level thief.

The first-class **** steals owed his father Jeremy alone.

So Jiewei contacted the first-level thief in order to make him pay back his favor.

It stands to reason that another first-level **** of the fox hunting organization stole the task of stealing the sky blue necklace, and the remaining first-class gods of the fox hunting organization should not steal their business with the organization of the gods.

The first-level **** thief contacted by Jiewei just owed Jade's dad a big favor. This time, Jiewe begged, and the first-level **** thief couldn't refute him.

Therefore, even grabbing the business of the same organization, also responded to Jie Wei's request.

But for Yun Jian, it is tantamount to competing with two fox hunting organizations for the sky blue necklace, and the difficulty factor is even higher.

The reason why Jewe was so soured was that he invited another international first-level thief to fox hunting organization.

Not to mention that the first-level **** stole owed his father's affection. In this way, he had the greatest chance of getting the sky blue necklace!

Therefore, Jie Wei ran to Yun Jian to show off, in order to report Yun Jian's revenge against his head!

Jewe originally thought that he had targeted Yunjian in Horace's ward. Yunjian responded so quickly, and he would definitely fight back at this moment.

However, Yun Jian just looked at him with a contempt, and motioned for a strong man and others, and walked to the entrance of the neurological hospital ...

Just out of the door of the neurological hospital, a 23-34-year-old woman who was accompanied by this strong man spoke eloquently of Fang Caijie's actions:

"It really looks like a small kid."

Talking, the twenty-three-four-year-old woman shook her head afterwards.

"Hello little girl, it's time to introduce you. My name is Calvin, I'm from country D. These two are my companions this year. These are my companions." The handsome man just now reached out to Yun Yunjian and was friendly. Signaled.

"Yunjian." She didn't reach out, but simply said her name in English.

The strong man named Calvin didn't think it was wrong for Yun Jian to reach out.

After all, countries are different, and people from some countries do n’t like to show their hands when they meet. That ’s normal.

"Aila! My name!" The woman who looked at the twenty-four-four-year-old and said that Jewe was like a small child also introduced herself to Yun Jian.

Then a team led by Calvin introduced themselves to Yun Jian.

The party didn't talk much and arrived at the Paris Museum of Country F as quickly as possible.

Then night fell, and the moon and countless stars in the sky were clearly visible.

Three in the morning.

Yun Jian and Calvin went to the F Museum of Paris.

This time when I just arrived at the Paris Museum of Country F, I saw a group of people connected to a line with a computer at the entrance of the Paris Museum of Country F and playing with something.

For a while, aren't this group of people headed by Jewe and Eva?

A group of men, led by Jewe and Eva, stood a very strong man.

Needless to say, this very strong man must have been the first-level **** stolen by the fox hunting organization.

And this group of people used a computer to connect this line to the Paris Museum in Country F, and what they were doing with the computer, the purpose was very obvious, trying to use the computer to break all the power gates in the Paris Museum.

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