Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2301: Pushed to the mainland, the first throne

I saw, however, that a cloud note that jumped out of the window was five stories high, nearly fifteen or six meters high, and her slim body became more charming in the light of the moon.

And her thin body, at a height of almost five stories, landed straight and light at the speed of light and lightning.

An ordinary girl, who looks like she is wearing magic, actually, like a character in mythology, leapt down from the fifth floor and landed gently!

This is not in accordance with the actual scene, and scared both Jewe and Eva.

"How, how, how is that possible! She is not a fairy! Is it true that Yunjian is a fairy?"

Jewe and Eva were so scared that their eyes were about to fall.

This is not realistic! Completely subverted the fear of Jewe and Eva!

Of course, just after Yunjian landed.

The white and bright moon in the sky looks like it has been stained with blood, and the white moon has turned into a red moon within the sight of everyone!

"What, what the **** is going on here ..." Eva was so scared she couldn't take her image into account anymore, and she yelled, clutching Jie's collar.

Eva yelled, but checked into this hotel, and Calvin, Horace, Ella and others were reminded by Yun Jian not to fall asleep too much.

However, when Calvin and others came out, they ran directly downstairs and stood side by side with Yun Jian.

Calvin and others were startled when they saw the strange red moon in the sky.

"Today is not a cycle of eclipses and eclipses. How can this moon in the sky turn red!"

Calvin stood next to Yun Jian, and when he saw the scene, his face suddenly darkened.

This weird phenomenon scared Calvin.

Yun Jian squinted slightly, saying nothing.

The next second, she hooked red arc.

At the moment when the red arc of Yunjian lingered coldly, a loud laughter suddenly sounded:

"Hahaha! I didn't expect to be seen through by you and escaped from Death Island! But that's okay, even if it's not Death Island, Witch God, I can still find you!"

A stunned male voice sounded, and the next second, a man in a black robe appeared to everyone's eyes.

"Borky, that's Burke!" Horace suddenly made a fist when he heard the male voice.

The voice of that person, he will never forget Horace!

That man in black robes is Burke! The leader of the group of people who killed his Horace buddy twenty years ago!

Originally afraid of Yun Jian's extreme Becky, at this moment it seems like a person. He looked at Yun Jian across the distance, pulled out a smirk, and pulled off his black robe.

There was shock in the surrounding people.

what is happening! Isn't this Burke softened by Yunjianfu!

"It has been heard for a long time that after betraying the **** continent thousands of years ago and being expelled from the **** continent, there is no longer any news. It has killed countless thousands of innocent cultivators in the continent, and is known as the murderous demon head. Lord Becky, who can rank in the top ten.

"Seeing it today is truly extraordinary."

Just then, Yun Jian's voice suddenly sounded.

What she said was to Burke.

At that time, after listening to Yun Jian's words, Calvin and others stunned.

Calvin et al. Already know that there is another world in this world, but Calvin et al. Do not know what the other world is like.

But you can hear it from Yun Jian.

This Burke, in another world, is a big man who shocked the audience! ?

Although Jiewei and Eva were in the mist, they didn't know what Yunjian said, but they could hear the sudden emergence of the Burke, which must be unusual.

After Jewe and Eva listened, their bodies trembled suddenly.

However, at the time when everyone was thrilled with Burke's identity, Burke suddenly sneered at Yun Jian in front of the crowd.

The identity of Yun Jian, which can be revealed from Boji's mouth, scared everyone in the room, and he forgot to breathe:

"Oh! My Burky is no longer famous, but I have to admit that it is still far behind you! As a cultivator of low-level continents such as Yulong Continent, you have the ability to destroy the world!

"In the battle of thousands of continents who is the first continent, you witch gods, but only a generation of female streamers, suppress all continents, blood-washed all the unconvinced powers in thousands of continents, and will conquer the dragon continent Push the throne of the first continent of these thousands of continents.

"Witch God, my Burke, I also want to know you. You are so powerful!"

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