Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2306: Timid girl, it is Yunjian

At this moment, Yun Jian didn't know that the female doctor was confused and forgotten to pinch her belly.

She eats lighter these days. When she left the hospital, the female doctor ordered her. She had a bad stomach in the past two days, so when she eats, she eats as much light food as possible, and raising her stomach is the first task.

After living in Longmen City for two days, Yun Jian was heading to Puluo City, and she agreed with Si Yi.

Because the mysterious man was hurt by Shen Yi's personality a few years ago, he couldn't come directly to the earth recently, so Yunjian was responsible for going to the city of Pro, and secretly looking for the specific channel where the mysterious person would open thousands of continents to connect to the city of Pro.

Sidi returned to the continent of the gods, dealt with some things that must be handled, and then returned to the earth to meet Yunjian.

But before that, Sidi left Yun Jian a crystal ball that could be connected from the earth to the **** continent at any time.

This crystal ball is only the size of the little finger, and it is a reduced version of the ordinary crystal ball.

If Yun Yi couldn't reach him with his mobile phone while he was on the continent of God, then he broke the crystal ball and he would rush to her as soon as possible ...

Country Z, Pro City, Eastern Province.

The eastern province is very far from Zhejiang province.

And Pro City in the eastern province is the first-tier city in country Z, and it is very avant-garde in both transportation and development.

Compared to Promenade in the eastern province and Longmen in Zhejiang province, Promenade is the first-tier city in country Z. Longmen is just a common city. The two are not at the same level.

For example, when the average monthly income of people in Pulu is between six and seven thousand, the average monthly income of people in Longmen is only one or two thousand.

This is the gap.

The gap between a first-tier city and an ordinary city.

Of course, the monthly income in Pro City is high, and the amount of consumption is also higher than in Longmen City. The two are equal.

Probably the most important thing in a big place like Pro City is the rich.

No, the three richest families in Pro City, Luo family, Wei family, Hong family, the third-ranked Wei family's young daughter who has been separated for many years have been found!

Therefore, as soon as Master Wei was happy, he set up a banquet in a five-star hotel in Pro City to entertain the high-class people.

At this moment, at six o'clock in the evening.

Five-star hotel entrance.

Countless people from the high society came into the door and said to Master Wei who was standing in front of the hotel.

The Wei family ranks third among the three richest families in Pro City! Its status should not be underestimated.

Master Wei's young daughter Wei Lin was lost when she was eight years old. Master Wei's found her young daughter Wei Lin for ten years! Finally found the really lost little daughter of the Wei family, Wei Lin!

That's why the banquet was set up.

"Hahaha, everybody please! Everyone please!" Wei Xiao, the grandfather of the Wei family, was inviting into the hotel in front of everyone who came to celebrate.

The scene was extremely lively.

When all the guests enter, the host will not appear.

At this moment, Wei Xiao, the grandfather of the Wei family, was brought to the scene after being lost for ten years.

The young girl who entered was exactly eighteen and looked very beautiful. The big eyes that seemed to be able to speak blinked and blinked, and the skin was so white that she couldn't remove the eyes. And that bright red mouth.

When Wei Xiao, the grandfather of the Wei family, Wei Lin, who had lost her daughter for ten years, was brought to the scene, the audience was silent!


So beautiful!

So beautiful!

The 18-year-old girl who was here was so beautiful that everyone at the scene forgot to breathe!

"Ha ha ha! Wei Xiao, you old thing can give birth to such a natural daughter! Incredible!" A middle-aged man stared at the girl for a long time before speaking to Wei Xiao.

Wei Xiao just laughed and didn't speak out.

And the girl was timid throughout, as if she had never attended such a party ...

The banquet is over.

The girl was taken to the study of Master Wei Xiao by Wei Wei.

This timid young girl had just entered Wei Xiao's study. The original timidness had disappeared.

That's right, this girl is not someone else. It is Yunjian who came from Pudong City to Longmen City!

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