Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2324: If I say killer organization

Yun Jian's blandness was unremarkable, and there was no emotion in Ping Ling, but with the sound of rain leaping, it was enough to shock the audience to the words like Wu Lei Hong Ding, which suddenly sounded.

As soon as this word came out, the people present took a few big breaths, and stumbled on the spot.

What did Yunjian say ...

Everyone at the scene also knew Yun Jian's origin.

Wei's young daughter, Wei Lin, who had just been separated for ten years.

As for the Wei family's younger daughter Wei Lin who has been separated for ten years, where did she go, what did she do, and how was she recovered, everyone in the room did not know.

Because of this, Luo Jiajun and Wei Min had a momentary stagnation when they heard what Yun Jian said.

"If you want to live, you must have blood on your hands"?

This remark severely touched Luo Jiajun.

In the past, Yun Jian had the worst family condition at Royal Imperial College, and Ling Qianqian, who was often scolded by her classmates, was not as good?

This made Luo Jiajun's brow even more tight.

What kind of past and past did she have!

"You ..." At this moment, although Ling Qianqian, who was out of control, was still squatting on the ground, she looked up at Yun Jian, the face on which she had stopped crying, was pale But more surprised.

"You should be glad that you are still alive. Why do you care about the opinions of others?

"If you do, there are more people in the world who want me to be violent. If I am as decadent as you, I have already lost my life."

Yun Jian interrupted Ling Qianqian before she spoke.

She also did not want to talk with Ling Qianqian again.

"It's important to raise you to your eldest father, or if your worthless dignity is important, it's best to think clearly."

After that, Yun Jian turned around, carried the shoulder bag on his left shoulder, and lifted his feet into the small rain.

After Ling Qian left, Ling Qianqian was completely silent. She sat on the ground with one butt, thinking for a long time.

I have to say that Yun Jian's actions really shocked Luo Jiajun.

Especially Luo Jiajun.

Seeing Yun Jian walking towards the rain, Luo Jiajun narrowed his eyes on those pretty faces.

Seeing this scene, Wei Min was again clasped with flesh in his hands, trembling with anger, even twitching the corners of his mouth.

However, immediately after Wei Min was twitching, Luo Jiajun raised his leg and followed Yun Jian's footsteps. He did not even hit the umbrella and chased him.

As Yun Jian approached the gate of the college, he was suddenly shouted: "Wei Lin!"

You don't have to turn your head, you can hear it when you hear it. The person who came is either someone else or Luo Jiajun.

But Yun Jian did not stop.

I don't know if this Luo Jiajun jogs directly to Yun Jian and takes two breaths to say to Yun Jian:

"Tell me! Where have you been in the past ten years of your disappearance?"

As soon as Luo Jiajun followed up, Wei Ze, Wei Min, and Hong Ling all chased after him.

As the school's grass Luo Jiajun, this is the first time Luo Jiajun has caught up with a girl in the rain.

Wei Ze and Hong Ling are completely dumbfounded.

What made Yun Jian's elder brother Wei Ze even more surprised was what Yun Jian said just now.

What kind of experience has she experienced! ?

However, when Luo Jiajun asked Yun Jian the words, Yun Jian just glanced at Luo Jiajun coldly, and then he wanted to bypass Luo Jiajun and walk outside the college.

There are more students walking around in the college, and Yun Jian can't run if he wants to start jogging.

Seeing Yun Jian leaving, Luo Jiajun intercepted directly in front of Yun Jian this time, and then rushed out to Yun Jian:

"If you don't say it, I can appreciate your suffering."

This is quite ambiguous.

As soon as the words came out, Wei Ze and Hong Ling were even more surprised.

Luo Jiajun not only cared for a girl like this for the first time, it was even more surprising that this girl was also her own sister Wei Lin who had been separated for ten years! Wei Ze eats crickets.

Needless to say, you can also know what Wei Min's expression is now.

Of course, Luo Jiajun, Wei Ze, Hong Ling, and Wei Min all stared at Yun Jian together, waiting for Yun Jian to explain her whereabouts over the years.

In the rain, Yun Jian suddenly pulled out a touch of indifferent, cold smile, and then made a public voice:

"If I said I was taken away by a killer organization, do you believe it?"

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