Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2343: Intelligence platform, can't provoke

Liemu did investigate Yunjian, but his previous investigation was not Yunjian's identity, but just investigating Yunjian was the one who killed his son's envy.

What a big thing a teenage girl can do!

Therefore, Lie Mu did not even investigate the specific identity of Yun Jian, and just investigated the simple identity of Yun Jian, and then led someone to assassinate Yun Jian.

With the idea of ​​revenge for his son, Lemu was almost crazy!

But he forgot one thing, which was to use his authority to thoroughly investigate Yun Jian's identity at the largest intelligence platform.

There is an international intelligence platform. This intelligence platform is a place where intelligence is collected.

It is connected to the intelligence unit of the ancient kill mercenary group.

This intelligence platform is an integrated large platform composed of many well-known international intelligence groups, such as the large-scale platforms such as the ancient killing mercenary group intelligence group.

And on this intelligence platform, any intelligence, even international news, can be found as long as you pay for it.

It can be said that this is the focal point of an intelligence platform.

Liemu just called and the intelligence man who connected him was the intelligence platform staff who discovered that Yunjian was the one who killed the envy.

The soul returned to reality, looking at Yun Jian in Liemu, his face was pale, and Wei Xiao and Wang Ruoya were puzzled, and a group of Liemu's men were at a loss for the moment.

"Dad! Mom!" A terrified female voice came from the toilet in the large living room.

The crowd looked sideways, but they saw that Wei Min was standing near the toilet not far from the large living room, and looked at Lemu and others with horrified eyes together with Luo Jiajun and others.

The Wei family, like the Luo family and the Hong family, which are one of the other three major families in the city of Pro, are based on the underworld. At the beginning, due to the consideration of being chased by the enemy after turning to the white road, the Wei family villa was built. An underground secret passage was built.

It was through the underground secret passage that Wei Min and others avoided the group of people outside the Wei family and returned to the Wei family villa.

"Eh! Heh!" Wei Xiao remained calm when he saw Yun Jian, but when he saw his daughter Wei Min and son Wei Ze brought a group of friends back to Wei's house, he began to shake his head desperately to signal them to run.

But Wei Min didn't realize her father's meaning at all. She looked tremblingly at the trees there, while rushing out of the trees:

"Hurry up and let my dad go! Wei Lin's own troubles, don't implicate my parents!"

Speaking, Wei Min turned to look at Yun Jian, and said to Yun Jian with a hateful look:

"Wei Lin, you are really too much! Sister, I really want you to come back to Wei's house, but you want to hurt your parents because you ..."

Wei Min hadn't finished speaking yet.

But I saw that Liemu over there looked at Yunjian in horror in front of everyone, and then asked, "You, you are the ten public of the international intelligence platform, one of the ten most incapable people in the world. ! "

The international intelligence platform is known to most people, even Luo Jiajun, Wei Ze, and Wei Min.

As we all know, the international intelligence platform is a place where you can get all the information you want as long as you are willing to pay the corresponding price.

However, there is a special case in international intelligence platforms.

That is, there are ten public resumes and ambiguous portraits posted on the platform of the International Intelligence Platform.

Ten resumes and portraits represent ten people.

These ten people are the public of the international intelligence platform. How much money the employer pays, no one on the international intelligence platform will dare to investigate their identity.

It can be said that the ten people are the people at the center of the International Intelligence Platform, and they are not afraid to provoke, afraid and panicked!

That is a symbol of rights, status and status!

Liemu's words spread throughout the audience, making everyone abruptly stunned.

However, before everyone could react from Li Mu's words, Li Mu had stared at Yun Jian in front of all the people in the audience, and once again asked Yun Jian with a tone of horror and trembling:

"People from the International Intelligence Platform just said that you are one of them. Are you really one of the ten most public portraits of the International Intelligence Platform? Are they among the top 10 most incapable people in the world!"

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