Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2357: Waste your limbs, garbage waste

"Mr. Yang" bowed his hand into a hawk-like shape, and stretched towards Yunjian's neck at a speed of light and lightning. He planned to hold Yunjian's neck with one stroke and kill Yunjian with one stroke!

The speed of that move, the move, was so fast that everyone in the scene was not in a hurry to turn around.

Its speed, if it was not the ace killer who had been trained, would definitely not have the ability to do this!

Ace killer of the underground killer organization!

What a terrible existence it is!

For police officers, a ace killer who has been rigorously trained to inspire humanity's most powerful strength in life and death and has grown up in the environment of the fittest is simply a nightmare!

But Rao is so. A powerful underground killer organization, Ace Killer, may also be arrested by the police.

But at least now the Zhou team and several policemen brought by the team from the police station, together with Luo Jiajun, Wei Ze and other students at school, and Hang Forensic, there is absolutely no way to compete with "Mr. Yang" !!

Not to mention that from the murderous "Mr. Yang", a group of horrible killers belonging to the killer group killed a deadly killer and saved Yunjian!

"No! Wei Lin! Dodge!" Luo Jiajun's face changed suddenly. He was so pale that he even shook his lips and teeth.

Luo Jiajun's face was pale and his lips trembled because of his fear that Yun Jian would be killed by "Mr. Yang".

During this time, Luo Jiajun paid more and more attention to Yun Jian. At this moment, Yun Jian was like a fog to Luo Jiajun. The secret on her body seemed to attract Luo Jiajun's attention like a bottomless pit.

If Yunjian is dead, then all of this will be gone.

So Luo Jiajun couldn't bear it. He almost made the hoarse growl at the same instant.

If you talk about Luo Jiajun's various performances before, Wei Min has never seen Luo Jiajun.

Then at this moment, Wei Min saw Luo Jiajun actually screamed at the spot because Yun Jian was going to be killed by "Mr. Yang". Wei Min's face sank again, and his nails were cut into his flesh fiercely.

"Dead! Dead! Hahaha! Let's die like Lin Jiaoyue's unmovable bitch! Hahaha!"

However, everyone saw that this ridiculous laughter had fallen, "Mr. Yang" had come to Yunjian, and then the hand of "Mr. Yang" had bowed into an eagle claw, and they quickly held Yunjian's Neck, giving a direct blow!

"Do not!"

Luo Jiajun and several people who care about Yunjian in Zhou Team and Hang Forensic Medicine all made a fatal cry.

But when everyone shouted this sentence, they almost closed their eyes almost desperately, waiting to see Yun Jian being "teached" by "Ms. Yang" after the neck was snapped, and the neck was killed immediately.

The crowd saw Yun Jian's deep pupil move slightly.

The next moment, when "Ms. Yang" wanted to come to Yun Jian, one side of Yun Jian avoided the blow from "Mr. Yang", and then she quickly came behind "Mr. Yang"!

At this speed, even "Mr. Yang" had no time to respond!

Immediately, everyone was surprised, but saw Yun Jian's leg stumbling, tripping "Ms. Yang".

When "Mr. Yang" stumbled and fell to the ground, the two butterfly knives in her hand came out!

Daoguang flashed in an instant, straddling the meridians of "Ms. Yang" 's hands, wrists and ankles at lightning speed.

"Oh!" Blood splattered everywhere, blood traversed a curve in the air, and then sank into the dust on the ground.

This speed was so fast that "Mr. Yang" was too late to react, and everyone was widening their pupils.

"Ah!" Only the scream of "Mr. Yang" sounded suddenly.

In the next second, Yun Jian stepped on the ground from behind "Mr. Yang", and then, in front of everyone present, said "Mr. Yang" coldly:

"It was said that when I was in the killer agent world, you didn't know what it was!

"Waste your limbs, you could barely be considered a thing before, but now you ...

"It's a complete waste!"

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