Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2375: Legend Foil in my hands

Bosiya, the female fencer of the last century, has defeated countless world fencing champions, making those male fencers who look down on female fencers face down. From the fencing circle, they have never failed!

And as long as she holds the legend, she will never defeat the legendary foil, which is spiritual.

Legend has it that the spiritual foil, only followed one master in his life.

The legendary foil sword weighs 500 kilograms!

Ordinary people don't even have the ability to raise a foil! Not to mention holding a foil sword of that weight and going to compete with others!

And the legendary foil sword only followed one master throughout his life, and unless his master died, he would choose another master.

However, the legendary foil sword chooses a new owner. The most fundamental condition is that the new owner must lift it up to 500 kilograms!

But from ancient times to the present, only three people have ever been able to lift the foil sword!

One of the three is Boyas, the last owner of Foil!

I heard that many people have once challenged to lift the legendary foil of 500 kilograms, but all have failed miserably!

Until later, Foil followed its last owner, Boyas, and disappeared after sailing.

That was already in 1942, a long time ago.

After the host finished this remark, Wei Min glanced at Yun Jian with a strange look, and then she smiled coldly at Chong Yun Jian, and then she spoke to the host on the spot in front of the teachers and students of the school. :

"My brother, Jia Jun brother and Hong Ling brother have participated in fencing competitions since childhood, and I have heard a lot about the legendary female fencer Boyas.

"This year's four of our foils are made from the legendary foilless sword in the hands of the female fencer. It weighs fifty kilograms! Presumably our ranking this year will not be worse!"

Wei Min said very confidently.

As she said, she also glanced at Yun Jian again, and there was a glorious pride that could not be ignored.

"My God! It is indeed the eldest daughter of the Wei family, Wei Min, and the young masters of the three major families in our city. They have a foundation, which is great! They can even imitate the legendary foil of the female fencer Boyas. A different foil is coming! It's amazing! "

Someone exited immediately.

The normal foil is very light.

While the average person uses a foil, they usually choose a lighter foil to participate in the competition.

Of course, only when masters battle, the heavier the foil, the greater the odds of winning. Of course, the premise is that the heavy foil must be flexible and gentle.

Luo Jiajun turned his head to look at Yunjian with pride when he listened to the four people around him.

He also tried to see envy or admiration for himself on Yun Jian's face.

However, Luo Jiajun did not see any envy on Yun Jian's face.

However, he saw Yun Jian's brows standing slightly in front of him, then raised his eyebrows in front of everyone and asked the host:

"The legendary foil you said, but it weighs 500 kilograms, and the whole body is made of pure gold. Is the foil rose with a gold rose engraved on the handle?"

The words fell, the host froze, then nodded: "Yes! According to rumors, and the drawings left in the book, this is how it is drawn and painted!"

"Liner, you do n’t know what to pretend! This time my sister did not expect you to come to participate in the fencing competition, so I did not prepare for you to copy our legendary foil sword, but you do not understand, my sister also knows Don't you ... "

Wei Min pretended to be his good sister again, and then just spoke to Yun Jian halfway.

But I saw Yun Jian in the presence of all the people in the presence, directly interrupted Wei Min's words, Hou Leng arc ticked, saying:

"Sorry, that legendary foil is in my hands now, and it is one of my collections."

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