Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2384: Guys in the circle, call me Sushen

Wei Min had counted long ago. She was going to block Yun Jian here, but Yun Jian and Si Yi left the scene early. Wei Min had never thought of it, so Wei Min had no choice but to stop when he ran out. Note and Si Yi.

It was just that Yun Jian and Si Yi ignored her at all, and in the end, there was no way, fearing that his plan would fail. Wei Min went straight to Yun Jian and Si Yi to tell Yun Jian that she was pregnant.

This is just a trick that Wei Min used to hold Yun Jian and Si Yi.

No, Wei Xiao, Wang Ruoya, and even the masters of the Luo family and Hong family of the three major families in Pro City, the fathers of Luo Jiajun and Luo Jiachen, and the father of Hong Ling, all these high-level people are here.

And everyone was wearing a dress, as if rushing to the banquet, but in fact Wei Min sent an invitation to you in the name of her father.

Wei Min's purpose is very simple, she is just to open up the true face of Yun Jian in public-she, is not their young daughter Wei Lin Wei!

She is fake!

After Wei Min's words were spoken, everyone in the room hissed.

Everyone also forgot that Wei Min had cheated them here in the name of her dad, all looking at Yunjian with a very interested look.

This news is explosive news!

To ask Wei Min how to use Yunjian and her father's samples for DNA identification, this matter must be brought up with the school doctor Dr. Jiang.

Dr. Jiang picked up a cloud of hair and took it with Wei Min's father's hair for DNA identification.

After getting the news, it was not long before we learned that Yun Jian was not the real Wei Lin, Wei Min immediately arranged this play, the purpose was to tear down Yun Jian's true face in front of all the upper class people!

"She isn't really Wei Lin !?" Just after Wei Min's words fell, Luo Jiajun stared at the beads and asked.

"Jiajun, I'm not framed, the evidence is here!" Wei Min smiled coldly and took out a DNA identification sheet from his pocket.

Everyone clearly saw that the DNA identification sheet clearly marked that Yunjian and Wei Xiao could not be close relatives, which also meant that they could not be father and daughter.

After receiving the DNA identification sheet, Wei Min looked at Yun Jian with a look of pride, and stepped on his feet like a winner in life, stood up to Yun Jian, lifted his head, stomped his feet and stared at Yun Jian's eyes, sneer. :

"You are so good that you have concealed my father and successfully pretend to be my sister to come to my house to enjoy prosperity and wealth!

"But there is no impenetrable wall in this world. You think you are great, but in fact, you are not vulnerable at all!

"Say, who the **** are you! Little people in the market? Mess on the street? Meal? You don't have to say it, oh, you will pay for your behavior anyway!"

Wei Min's words just ended, looking at Yun Jian, aggressive.

At this time, Wei Xiao, who was standing next to him, suddenly took a step forward, and threw a slap on the cheek of his daughter in the presence of all the people in the audience, and then spoke out in a panic tone: "You don't die! You dare to follow this She speaks! "

When the words came out, the audience was shocked!

Could it be that Wei Xiao knew that Yun Jian was not his girlfriend Wei Lin who had been separated for ten years?

At this time, even Wei Xiao's wife Wang Ruoya stared and shook her head.

"Dad? What are you talking about? She is impersonating, don't you know it !?" Wei Min looked at Wei Xiao with disbelief and asked aloud.

But just after Wei Min's remarks came down, a female voice that sounded as natural as it sounded was the first to say:

"Your dad naturally knows this because he threatened me."

The voice is Yunjian.

With this remark, everyone's eyes turned to Yun Jian.

But I saw Yun Jian's red arc tick, and above that expressionless face, a brutal murderous intention flashed between the sharp eyes. At this moment, she was like a cruel murderer in the eyes of everyone. Wang, the frightening sound of everyone present, also suddenly sounded at the same time, and swept the audience, making Wei Min, Luo Jiajun and others widen their pupils, and their faces were instantly white:

"Don't you want to know who I was before we came to the Wei family? Then I'll tell you.

"Listen to me, I only say it once.

"I'm from the international killer Dark Soul organization. I debuted at the age of twelve, and the fourteen-year-old ex-boss mercenary regiment former BOSS. In the circle, the group of old guys called me by my code.

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