From the mysterious person's words to the mysterious person's words, Si Yi did not give himself the time he blinked, so he proudly said this.

If she dies, how will he live!

Why would he live without her!

Regardless of whether he was a **** a thousand years ago or Sidi a thousand years later, his birth, his survival, his growth, and even later standing on the pinnacle are not for fame, status, but just for her!

What **** king, what **** dominates the continent, what is the leader of the dark soul organization.

He can all be discarded, because he, as long as she!

He is not an unselfish person, nor does he have the quality to abandon her in order to keep the country from falling into the hands of thieves.

He can not be perfect or excellent, but he must not lose her!

Si Yi's mellow voice sounded, and the words let everyone in the audience listen for a moment.

Especially Luo Jiajun, he was stunned, staring dumbfounded.

If at this time, the roles are swapped and he becomes Steeple, then he will definitely consider it seriously.

But Shiyi never hesitated from beginning to end!

"Okay! Okay! Okay! Since you want to be a pair of fate, but I'll do it for you!" The mysterious man smiled coldly, and he snapped his fingers.

Within half a second, more than a dozen figures in black robes had hidden from the hands of mysterious people in the nearby enchantment circle and appeared before the crowd.

"Go against the witch **** and kill her! Come and help me again!" The mysterious man sneered twice before facing Syi's eyes.

"It's a pity, although it's touching, you still have to die!" Said the mysterious man, his voice rising slightly.

Luo Jiajun and others didn't even dare to put a fart at this moment, let alone participate in this incredible incident.

At that time, those dozens of people in black robes were already embracing towards Yun Jian.

Seeing this, Steve turned and hurried to Yun Jian's side.

"Your opponent is me! Today I want you to watch your woman and die in front of you!"

The mysterious figure flashed as fast as a flash of lightning. The speed in Luo Jiajun and other ordinary people's eyes was like a shadow flashing in front of them, and they could not catch any trace at all.

At this time, the mysterious people's men have come to Yunjian.

A dozen people surrounded Yunjian.

The situation reversed.

The pain in that abdomen made sweat dripping from Yunjian's forehead, which was really seen by those around him.

She's over!

They're done!

Luo Jiajun and Luo Jiachen who were present thought so.

But as soon as everyone around him thought so, Ben Yun covering his stomach and bending his body was straight back in the field of vision that everyone could see!

A butterfly knife that once caused turbulent waves on the continent of gods and thousands of continents, now!

The original body of the sword is the extermination blade!

She, she's gonna ...

At this moment, Luo Jiajun and Luo Jiachen, including the dozens of mysterious men, had a moment of surprise.

Of course, when everyone did n’t know what Yunjian was doing, Yunjian held the butterfly knife in one hand and wiped off the sweat from his forehead with one hand. Red Arc, then laughed out loud in front of Luo Jiajun, Hong Ling, Wei Ze, and Mystery:

"Thousands of years ago, I led the Royal Dragon Continent to conquer the first throne of thousands of continents. I have been besieged by various powerful men to abandon the meridians of both hands and feet. Numerous knives in my body have pains that are dozens of times worse than today.

"The me who had my hands and feet in meridian veins bear pain. I broke the heads of the people one by one on the spot, killed everyone who was blocking my way, and pushed the Yulong continent to the throne of the first continent of thousands of continents.

"You think, it's up to you, it's up to this pain!

"I can't fight anymore !?

"There is nothing in this world that can scare me!

"Because I am, the daughter of the Wu tribe, the king of the imperial continent, the **** of witches!"

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