Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2400: Ge Junjian salutes you

Siluo was forcibly embraced by Xueying, but suddenly she heard Xueying say such a thing, and she was in a body.

"Little girl, who made you so dishonest and seduce me when you drank. Can you blame me?" Snow Eagle saw Sluo's body for a long time and thought that Sluo knew that he was himself last night. Not sad anymore.

And Xueying's words were justified, as if he had forced Slow, very reasonable.

After hearing the words of Snow Eagle, Nishi Siluo sobbed aloud for two seconds, and still slapped Snow Eagle's shoulder and shouted, "You go! You go! I will never see you again!"

Snow Eagle: "..." What is the situation?

It was learned from Celadon that his family, Luoluo, also had a relationship with men and women. He started yesterday but it was so early. Why was she not happy that she heard him last night?

Snow Eagle froze, and soon recovered. He once again took Sloara into his arms with his arm. "Well, don't be angry, I admit that yesterday was my danger, I ..."

As soon as this was said, a mop smashed from the sky towards the Snow Eagle.

Snow Eagle's eyes were sharp, he wrapped around Slo's thin waist and ducked to the side to avoid the mop that Cyan glance suddenly flew towards him.

"Well, what are you doing !?"

To Slo, Snow Eagle can speak warmly, but to others, Snow Eagle is not so friendly.

Seeing that the person who was working on him was a blue glaze, Xueying shouted directly from his throat.

Coupled with the thick and deep scar on Snow Eagle's neck, the appearance of Snow Eagle just looked a little scary.

Although the blue glaze is not afraid, she pulled Sloe from Snow Eagle's arms, looked at Snow Eagle with a mop with a mop, and yelled at Snow Eagle: "Call your grandpa! Wait for you to reflect on yourself Come again and take my little Luo Luo! Otherwise you don't want to enter my door! "

After that, Celadon didn't care how much Xueying's face was so dark. She closed the door with a bang, and the noise was so loud that the neighbor next door could be shocked.

She closed the door and locked it.

Snow Eagle was afraid of Sluo crying, so he did not force Sluo back.

Shi Luo cried, indicating that he was really wrong ...

Celadon may be right.

But what's wrong with him?

Snow Eagle shook his short hair, and for a moment he couldn't figure it out. He just scratched his scalp and heard the cry of Silo in the room. He didn't dare to open the door anymore. .

Snow Eagle turned around and left here ...

Rushing to Ge Junjian's home, Xueying confessed to Ge Junjian and Qin Yirou what had happened yesterday and asked them what happened to Siluo.

After all, here, the experience of Ge Junjian and Qin Yirou is rich.

After knowing that Ge Junjian and Qin Yirou listened to Xueying, Qin Yirou laughed crisply. She patted Xiao Gexing's back and laughed loudly:

"You guys, it's just a tendon. I don't know what a girl thinks. You say you ..."

"Auntie, stop selling." Xueying hurriedly asked.

Qin Yirou supported Xiaoge Xing's short legs to the premise, and no longer sold off, she said:

"You guys are good. Girls are very concerned about their first time. You took advantage of her drunkenness last night to deal with her. She was confused and lost her first time, which is equivalent to missing a part of her life. Good memories, can I take care of you? "

Qin Yirou's words made Xueying startled.

He really didn't expect this.

So Snow Eagle said goodbye to Ge Junjian and Qin Yiju, and flew towards the Qingglas home.

"It's an emotional idiot." Qin Yirou watched Xueying leave with a long slender thigh, and shook his head and shouted.

"Before marrying me, you were not an emotional idiot." Ge Junjian reached out and scratched the bridge of Qin Yirou's nose, and said with a smile.

"Can this be the same?" Qin Yirou, holding Xiaoge Xing's ass, gently grabbed Xiao Ge Xing's hand and sprinted Ge Junjian twice.

Ge Junjian provoked another laugh.

"Ling Ling Ling ..."

Just after Ge Junjian laughed twice, a rushing ringtone rang suddenly.

After answering the phone and talking for a few words, Ge Junjian's brow was only slightly relieved.

He turned to look at Qin Yirou and said to Qin Yirou: "I'll go out in the afternoon and you'll wait for me at home."

"Good!" Qin Yirou responded, but for the content of Ge Junjian's call, he would not mention ...

A tea shop in an unmanned box.

Ge Junjian is sitting at a big table.

It wasn't until the lights flashed that he was covered by six shadows in front of him, and Ge Junjian raised his head.

"What do you want from us?"

The visitors are not others, but the six of Chu Nang, Chu Xiangnan, Jiang Weiwei, Liu Shiyun, Fang Xiaoran, and Hongfan Kings.

Ge Junjian dragged his eyebrows. He stood up, and then made a military salute to the six people. There was a trace of tears in the corners of his eyes, but he solemnly said to the six people in Xiao Ran's respectful tone:

"As of today, I will no longer be your superior officer, and you will be reassigned to the new officer.

"Four years ago, I brought you into the special forces and made you a member of the force.

"But unfortunately, from today on, the way forward, I cannot go with you!

"Ge Junjian, Captain of the Special Forces of the Third Military Region, salutes you!"

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