Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2402: New sir, who is strong and who is weak

Life passed quickly, and another three months passed.

Today, it is exactly seven months since Yun Jian "disappeared" after the incident in Pro City.

Except for those who killed the Mercenary Regiment and the Dark Soul organization, everyone in the world thought that Yun Jian had disappeared, or they had died in the incident in Pro City.

Although Yun Jian could not be seen, the police found a student ID at the scene.

The two-inch photo on the student ID was a stunning but beautiful young girl's face. The name next to the student ID was written with the word Yunjian.

The college column reads Jiangcheng University of Electronic Technology.

Furthermore, Yun Jian from Jiangcheng University of Science and Technology was out of school and disappeared, so everyone thought that Yun Jian had run to the Royal Imperial College, and finally died at the scene together with the characters buried in the incident that day.

This matter was suppressed, so the six members of the King's team did not know.

At that time, the six members of the King's Squad just met with the new superior officer.

The new superior officer, Liu Cheng, is a high-level special force from overseas.

In this era, any scientists, graduate students, etc. transferred from overseas are particularly enchanted when they listen.

Of course, some people will be proud and proud of being a student who has returned overseas, while others are very low-key and obscure.

However, like this Liu Cheng, he is a very high-profile, surly person.

Before returning home, Liu Cheng had always played for other countries and had no intention of returning home.

In the end, it was necessary to return to China for development without leaving anyone overseas.

Liu Cheng worked as an air force overseas, and later participated in the special forces training program. He was admitted to the Interpol Force, and then sent to the special forces training base for up to ten years of secret training.

After refusing to return to China, he stayed in country M, participated in countless counter-terrorism operations, and won various awards.

This also led to Liu Cheng's arrogance, and even a bit of special soldiers not trained in his home country.

When seeing the six people, Liu Cheng's brows were obviously frowned, and then he glanced at the six people with a careless expression:

"I heard you are from the King Squad?"

"Yes, officer Liu!" Captain Liu Shiyun responded on behalf of the King's team.

"Call me Mr. Liu in the future, don't remember it wrong!" Liu Cheng sang suddenly.

The six members of the King's team shouted again obediently.

Liu Cheng nodded his head slightly in satisfaction, and then said, "I don't know how your former officers trained you, but you have to remember that all your future fighting methods must follow me.

"So please forget all the previous battle plans! In my case, no mistakes are allowed, otherwise you can cover me up and leave, have you heard?"

Liu Cheng is a high-level special force returning from overseas. His strength is indeed good, and his military position is higher than that of Ge Junjian.

At this point, Liu Cheng's sense of superiority has been very obvious.

"Yes!" After hearing Liu Cheng's words, the six members of the King's squad could only respond.

"In addition, I brought back two teams of special forces teams similar to yours from overseas, because you are still young, so in the future your three groups will fight together side by side!

"It's not a difficult task, and I'll send you all together.

"Also, the strength of your king squad should be the weakest of the three groups. I hope you can work harder in the future. The other two teams have graduated from the top international special forces schools, and you are only studying at domestic military schools. s student.

"Who is strong and who is weak, I hope you know!"

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