Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2406: No problem, the baby was surprised

Seeing this beautiful and amazing girl suddenly appeared in front of me, somehow, Liu Cheng had the illusion of stagnation for a moment.

The girl is coming this way at the moment.

With each step she took, her aura was enough to let everyone present take a breath.

As if coming this way, it is not a person under his hand, but his chief, his superior!

From the girl, Liu Cheng seemed to see the awesome high-level foreign special soldiers he had never had.

Liu Cheng swallowed deeply, and then he started to look at Yun Jian squarely.

However, Yun Jian, who is now nineteen years old, is a little more enchanting than ever before, with a plump breast and a nice buttock, which is accompanied by a strong breath that can be emitted between the hands.

This is almost what all men dream of!

"This little beauty is the killer of your king team? Is there a boyfriend?" When Zhu Xi saw Yun Jian, his eyes straightened, he whistled and looked at Yun Jian towards himself. Come on.

Zhu Xi is one meter eighth tall, not short, and tall and handsome, at least abroad, it is also a popular item in the eyes of girls.

Especially this height, coupled with his status as a special soldier, is a fantasy object in the hearts of girls.

Zhu Xi's words sounded and fell, no one paid attention to him.

At this moment, Yunjian has stood straight ahead.

At the age of nineteen, she has already given birth to a child. From the appearance alone, let alone whether she is well-being. The figure is better maintained than before. The skin is smooth and tender. The collagen on one face is released with one Girls generally do n’t understand the world, and the world is sinister.

But such a glamorous girl, but she just shook a knife that Zhu Xi accidentally flew out. She flexed the knife in her hand and stood in front of everyone.

Those beautiful, crystal-clear, beautiful eyes turned to Liu Cheng's body. The pretty eyes turned to Liu Cheng's body, and then sneered:

"You're the new officer?"

This magnificent discourse seems to be a question from the superior to the subordinate.

Liu Cheng didn't know why. After hearing Yun Jian's words, he gave a shudder and forced himself to look at Yun Jian: "Yes!"

Did not care about Yun Jian did not call his sir.

"Come on." Yun Jian said suddenly.

"What?" Liu Cheng froze.

"Defeat me, otherwise you shut up!" Yun Jian glanced sharply at Liu Cheng, she squinted.

Where is the tone of the subordinates speaking to the superiors! ?

After listening, everyone was dumbfounded.

The moment everyone thought that Liu Cheng's temper would really do something with Yun Jian, Liu Cheng suddenly changed his mind and said, "Whatever you fight! All return to the team! I will set off tomorrow to complete the task! I will go to training myself!"

After that, Liu Cheng left.

Until Liu Cheng left, six people from Chu Ning embraced Yun Yun.

"Ah, ah, Yun Jianer, you are finally back !!!" Chu Ning hugged Yun Jian tightly.

"Yun Jianer, you don't know how much this officer is ..." Chu Ning and the six members of the King's Squad started talking in a rush.

A few people next to the cattle team saw this, and did not pick a problem, and wanted to leave.

When leaving, Yun Jian wiped the knife on Zhu Xi's cheek with his hand and threw it to the ground, leaving him with a sentence: "Your knife is dirty. Take it back."

Some of the most cattle team were not convinced, but Zhu Xi finally stopped it.

"Well, it's just a woman. You don't have as much as you. Is it possible that your King Squad can stand up, wait and see!" A girl from the most cattle team snorted, and turned to follow the most cattle team go away......

After training, Yun Jian left here.

As soon as she stepped out of the gate of the military area, she saw a Lamborghini sports car parked not far away, and there was a handsome man standing beside the car.

Man holding on hands

"Mamayi! Mamayi ..."

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