Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2415: Mission objective, intelligence platform

The dumbest team, the self-spoken boy, was named Lu Yu.

Lu Yu was born in the rich family. Because he admired soldiers from an early age, he was sent to a special training school abroad.

Lu Yu is 1.73 meters tall and looks handsome, but she doesn't shy away from talking.

"Where can I go? The captain of our best team hasn't spoken yet. She won't be at least a member of the special team. Even if she is powerful, she won't go to heaven!"

If it is really particularly powerful, it is estimated that it is not a member of the special squad, but directly added to the ranks.

When Dong Lijie heard Lu Yu's whispering to himself, she should reconcile Lu Yu's words, and laughed at Yun Yun's words.

Fortunately at this moment, Chu Ning and Chu Xiangnan did not hear what Lu Yu and Dong Lijie said. Otherwise, according to Chu Ning and Chu Xiangnan's temper, Baozhun had to quarrel with Dong Lijie.

Everyone gathered at the playground.

Before the assembly, the captain of the Tyrannosaurus squad who helped the King's squad yesterday spoke with the seven members of the Tyrannosaurus squad to Yunjian and showed up.

"Hello, I'm the captain of the Tyrannosaurus squad, Tian Shuaishuai, code-named Canglong." The captain of the Tyrannosaurus squad went to Yun Jian, and said hello to Yun Jian.

Tian Shuaishuai was the man who said a word to the King's squad yesterday. He is also the oldest and most stable of the three squads.

He is twenty-five years old and has a clear eyebrow. He is a very handsome soldier brother. He is 1.8 meters tall and slender.

Tian Shuaishuai's name was that his parents hoped that he would be handsome when he grew up.

Of course, the trust of Tian Shuaishuai's parents was not in vain. Tian Shuaishuai did look good, and his skin was fair and tender.

After meeting the seven members of the Tyrannosaurus team, Liu Cheng came.

"Here are the details of your specific mission this time. When you set off, you can think about it on the road in detail, and all of you and the army have fabricated other identities for you.

"This time the task difficulty coefficient is relatively large for you, but you are the new faces of the army. You have not done many tasks and cannot be easily recognized. Therefore, it is the most successful rate. Complete it!"

Serious Liu Cheng is still very good.

However, after this remark, Liu Cheng immediately said to Yunjian: "The members of your king team, follow them well. Don't interfere with something that shouldn't interfere with the progress of the task!"

Liu Cheng ’s words, Yun Jian and the other six members of the King ’s team chose to ignore them directly.

When everyone came back to God, they had boarded a plane to country M.

Because it is the first time to cooperate in a mission, the members of the three teams are more excited.

So after looking at the materials of this mission, I talked to my companions.

In other words, Yun Jian flipped through the information in his hand, and put all the information in his mind into his head.

Soon, everyone came to country M.

The goal of this mission is to seize a person who has a good reputation in the entertainment industry. Taking the training of actresses as the reason, he brought countless young girls into the entertainment industry. After that, they forced the young girls to accept the hidden rules and gradually became a big investment for women in drug society people.

The big investor is a member of Country Z. His connections are very wide. In Country M, it can be said that it swept the entire entertainment industry.

Many international film stars have been hidden by this big investor, and the big investor paid for the girl to participate in the audition role, and then left the beautiful girls, ostensibly to give them the opportunity to let them grow, in the future Become an international movie star.

In fact, the big investor did let these girls play various roles, but at the same time, the big investor also secretly sold drugs to these girls.

The girls are addicted to drugs, and all the money they make is used to buy drugs from this big investor.

It can be said that this big investor is the existence of ten evils.

Naturally the police cannot wait.

So this time, a few people in Yunjian were sent to the entertainment circle as spies to find out the evidence of the drug investor's illegal drug trafficking and arrest him.

The mission is very dangerous, and if you accidentally become infected with drugs, you are finished.

Before approaching the big investor in a new capacity, several people from Yunjian went to the International Intelligence Platform Center in collaboration with the police.

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